











How was your weekend?

I spent at home.

What are you doing at new year?

I’m going to spend with my family.


I spent last weekend at home.
I’m spending new year with my family.

上記の文では、「last weekend」と「new year」という「時」を表す語句が含まれています。


最初の2つの質問に適切に答えるには、「last weekend」と「new year」を代名詞に置き換えます。

How was your weekend?
I spent it at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’m going to spend it with my family.




I spent a really nice time at John’s house last weekend
I spent a fantastic 2 weeks in France last year and I’d love to go again.






Aさん:How was your weekend? (週末はいかがでしたか?)
Bさん:Not bad, just stayed at home. (まあまあです。家にいただけでした。)
Aさん:What are you doing at new year? (新年は何をしますか?)
Bさん:I’ll probably be with my family back in my hometown. (たぶん、故郷の家族と一緒に過ごすと思います。)








Hello again everyone!
During my lengthy teaching career in Japan I have built up a store of often minor errors that Japanese English speakers tend to make. These are usually connected to direct translations from Japanese, things taught in English classes in schools, or like today’s, little grammatical differences between the two languages. Luckily they are usually easily fixed (don’t hold me to that please) with a decent explanation. One of the things I always tell my students to do is to try to be aware of these kinds of phrases when they speak (kind of like having an alarm bell in your head) and to be careful to use them properly until it becomes second nature.

Today we will talk about the word “spend”. The main difference with the use of this verb in Japanese and English is that in Japanese you don’t need to add a time phrase with it but in English we always do. Here are some examples of what I often hear in class.

How was your weekend?
I spent at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’m going to spend with my family.

In English you really need a time phrase after the word “spend” so these would be more appropriate answers.

I spent last weekend at home.
I’m spending new year with my family.

In these sentences the times last weekend and new year are understood. The verb spend is always used in this way when relating to time in English. A good way to answer the first 2 questions is to replace weekend and new year with a pronoun.
Like this…

How was your weekend?
I spent it at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’m going to spend it with my family.

You can also use an adjective in front of the time phrase to describe what the event was like.

I spent a really nice time at John’s house last weekend.
I spent a fantastic 2 weeks in France last year and I’d love to go again.

Finally, please remember though that we don’t really use the verb quite as much as you do in Japanese though so try and mix it up a bit.
These answers are perfectly okay….

How was your weekend?
Not bad, just stayed at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’ll probably be with my family back in my hometown.

Hope that comes in handy.

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