
Jaimie’s Blog – Christmas Eve!


The big day is almost upon us. I have a few nice memories of Christmas from when I was a child. My mother is quite inventive with the truth sometimes and she fooled me into believing that on the day of a firstborn child’s birth the mother is handed the secret number to Santa Clauses’ phone and she can use it to phone him at any time during the year to tell him to cancel Christmas gifts for bad children such as myself. This number is known to all mothers and kept a fierce secret between them. This shocked me to my core and I suddenly looked at my mother and all my friends’ mums in a new and mysterious light.

We also had a fireplace in my house and used to leave some things out for Santa and his reindeer, these included mince pies and brandy for Santa, carrots and other vegetables for the reindeer and a stocking to be filled for me and my brother (despite being bad all year round). In the morning, surprise surprise everything would be gone, the stockings would be filled, and just to add to the drama there would be a big pair of boot prints in the ash below the mantlepiece.

This final touch blew my young innocent mind and also terrified me half to death, Santa being basically a housebreaker who comes in the middle of the night and sits in your living room drinking and eating while you are asleep. The image always unnerved me slightly.

Bad kids in the U.K receive nothing more than a piece of coal in their stocking. Here is a little more information on what Christmas eve means around the world.

Christmas Eve has many of its own customs and traditions. The most widely practised one that still exists today is going to a Midnight Mass Church Service. In many countries, especially Catholic ones such as Spain, Mexico, Poland and Italy, this is the most important Church service of the Christmas season. People might fast during Christmas Eve (not eat any meat or fish usually) and then the main Christmas meal is often eaten after the Midnight Mass Service in these countries. In some other countries, such as Belgium, Finland, Lithuania and Denmark the meal is eaten in the evening and you might go to a Midnight Service afterwards!
クリスマス・イブには独自の習慣や伝統がたくさんあります。今日もなおもっとも広く行われているものといえば、真夜中に教会で行われるミサでしょう。多くの国、特にスペイン・メキシコ・ポーランド・イタリアといったカトリックの国々では、このミサがクリスマスの時季、教会での一番大事な儀式です。こういう国々では、イブには断食 (肉・魚を一切口にしないのが通例)をすることもあるでしょう。そして、クリスマス・ディナーは、真夜中のミサの後にいただくというということがよくあります。ベルギー・フィンランド・リトアニア・デンマークといった他の国々では、クリスマス・ディナーは夕方・夜にいただき、それから真夜中のミサに出かけるということもあるでしょう!

The Midnight Mass Communion Service (or ‘Christ-Mas’) was a very special one as it was the only one that was allowed to start after sunset (and before sunrise the next day), so it was held at Midnight!

Christmas Eve is also the day when people in some countries, like Germany, Sweden and Portugal exchange their presents. I think Santa must have those countries on his extra early list! Christmas Eve is also Santa’s busiest day of the year when he has to travel over 220 million miles (355 million km) to get to every house on earth! You can see where Santa’s got to on www.santaupdate.com
クリスマス・イブは、ドイツ・スウェーデン・ポルトガルといった国々では、プレゼントを交換し合う日になっています。サンタは、この国々のために特別に早めのプレゼントのリストを作っているに違いない、と私は思います!クリスマス・イブはサンタにとっても1年で一番忙しい日で、2億2千万マイル(3億5千5百万キロ)を移動して地球上の1軒1軒を訪ねなければなりません!サンタの位置は www.santaupdate.com から確認できます。

In many european countries including Germany, Serbia and Slovakia, Christmas Eve is the day when the Christmas Tree is brought into the house and decorated.

It was also traditional to bring the Yule Log into the house and light it on Christmas Eve. It was lit using a piece of the previous years log and then would burnt non-stop until Twelfth Night (6th January). Tradition also said that any greenery such as Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe should only be taken into the house on Christmas Eve.

It’s also the time that the wonderful book ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens is set and that going out Carol singing was and still is very popular. In the past, if you weren’t carol singing, in parts of the UK, you might go out wassailing or mumming.

There were lots of superstitions in the UK that said girls could find out the initials, or even have visions, of the person they would marry on Christmas Eve! This was often done by cooking a special cake called a ‘dumb cake’. You were supposed to make the cake in silence and prick your initials into the top. When you went to bed, you left the cake by the fire hearth and your true love was supposed to coming in at midnight and prick his initials next to yours!

Other Christmas Eve superstitions included that farm and wild animals would kneel at midnight in honor of Jesus being born or that they could even talk!