「骨くん」とふるさと – その2 (故郷の懐かしいもの、懐かしくないもの)

Jaimie’s Blog – Bones and My Hometown. – Part 2
(or What I Miss and Don’t Miss about My Hometown)
「骨くん」とふるさと – その2

Things I miss.

The pub. For a small town it has a huge number of pubs, they’re open from 11 a.m, everyone goes there and I’ve had some great times in them.

The food. I know you all associate Britain with bad food but I love some of the local products especially, beef, sausages and bacon, and smoked salmon.

The accent. I’ve had to change my accent almost completely to make myself understood here and I feel most at home speaking to people from my hometown although everyone laughs at the way I talk now.

The summer. My hometown is beautiful in the summer, and it’s so busy we have people from all over the world visiting every year and it’s really colourful.

Things I don’t miss.

Service: After being spoiled by Japanese service for so long, it came as quite a shock to be treated rudely in shops and restaurants. Oban hasn’t quite grasped the concept of service yet.
サービス。日本のサービスにかなり長い期間甘やかされた後では、(あちらの) 店やレストランでの無礼な応対はかなり衝撃的なものとなりました。オーバンは未だサービスの何たるかをつかめていないのです。

The winter. Cold, long, dark. My hometown is one of the wettest areas of Scotland which is no mean feat.

Public transport. Late, slow, infrequent. Thank goodness we can start driving at 17 in Scotland.

There it is, if you want to know more or see a few pictures take a look at the link below. Sorry it’s in English only, the Japanese version didn’t have much info.


See you at the next lesson.
