


Tim’s blog about lobsters

A few years back when I was thinking of my professional future, I realised that since I’ll probably never work full time for a Japanese company (for various reasons), I’d probably have to start my own business, if I wanted to have any chance of earning a semi-good living.
自分の将来のキャリア像を模索していた遡ること数年前、自分はおそらく日本企業で正社員として働くことは絶対にないだろうから (理由はいろいろありますが)、もしそこそこの暮らしを何とかしていきたいなら、多分起業しないといけないだろうな、ということに気づきました。

One of my not so fantastic ideas was to buy a big fish tank and start breeding lobsters because….hmmm… everyone loves lobsters. My initial plan was to buy two lobsters, a male and a female and once they mate, they’ll probably have millions of babies and when their babies grow up, worst case scenario, I can be eating lobsters for the rest of my life.

Before getting my great new business started, I started doing some research on lobsters. My initial research entailed asking all my students if they know how long it takes for lobsters to mate; for which I mostly received blank stares from lovely people probably thinking. “Mate, we are here to study English and not answer to your stupid questions!!”
この素晴らしくイケてる (?) ビジネスを始めるにあたり、ロブスターに関する調査から取りかかりました。まず、私の生徒全員に、ロブスターがつがいになるにはどのくらいの時間がかかるか知っているか、と尋ねることになりましたが、たいていぽかんとした眼差しが返ってきまして、おそらく素敵な皆さんはこう考えていたのだと思います。「おい、私らは英語の勉強をしに来てるのであって、あなたのアホな質問に答えに来てるわけじゃないんですけど!!」

After doing some actual research I found out that they eat each other (So do hamsters!!) which is one reason that breeding is not very profitable. Thus, it is unfortunately very unlikely that my dream of a “Kensington Lobster Farm” will ever come to fruition.
ちゃんと実際に調査を進めた後で分かったのは、ロブスターは共食いをし (ハムスターもですけどね!!) 、そういうこともあって、繁殖させてもあまりもうからないということです。ゆえに、残念ながら、夢の「ケンジントン・ロブスター養殖場」実現の可能性はかなり低いということになりました。

In any case, here are some other fun facts regarding lobsters.

1. Lobsters aren’t red. They turn red when cooked, but in nature they can be green or yellow or even bright blue.

2. Lobsters can grow up to four feet long and weigh as much as 40 pounds.
ロブスターは4フィート (約1.2m)・40ポンド (約18kg) にまで育つものもあります。

3. It is believed that lobsters can live as long as 100 years.

4. They taste with their legs.

5. Once upon a time, they were the go-to prison food as they were cheap, too plentiful, and considered “tasteless.” Aaah, good times to be a criminal.

Here is a cool Lobster fighting video.