Riri in the small mirror

Riri in the small mirror

I pulled the drawer to get a comb but the first thing I reached for was the small mirror. I didn’t suppose that the girl in the bathroom mirror would also be in this small hand mirror that I keep in my vanity drawer by my bed. When I looked into the mirror, my face stared back at me. Nothing out of the ordinary. I relaxed but felt a little disappointed at the same time. I put the mirror down but I picked it up again after a couple of minutes. Nothing had changed and then… suddenly, my image vanished! I couldn’t see myself in the small hand held mirror. “Here we go again!” I said to myself. I got really nervous that I decided to put the mirror down on my bed and walked over to the window to look at the world outside the window. That world was smiling in the Sunday morning sunshine. The flowers, trees and houses in the neighborhood looked exceedingly beautiful. I wanted to quickly run downstairs to say good morning to my mom without taking another look at the mirror lying on my bed. But I found myself unable to do anything else before taking another peek at the mirror.
I nervously picked up the mirror and…Riri was there! “There you’re again.” I said after a few minutes of silence. “Looks like you’re in all the mirrors in this house. Are you stalking me?” “May be you’re the one stalking me, Mari chan,” said Riri in the mirror. Strangely we both laughed though a little nervously. I tried to relax but I couldn’t get myself to calm down. I had a heap of questions for this girl called Riri in the mirror. “Did you say you don’t live in the mirror, Riri? Are you real?” I asked. “What do you mean real? She said, not smiling this time. I’m REAL! Look she moved a little out of the way to show me “her” room. This is my room and this is my stuff.” The room looked exactly like our bedroom but without Riku’s bed. “Do you know Riku?” I asked. “Of course I know him. He’s my young brother. He’s watching TV downstairs,” she answered. “Now don’t try to be funny, Riri. I’m not amused. It appears you’ve been stalking me. You know everything about me, so you’re pretending to be me.” Riri was getting more and more upsetting. “Well, mirror girl, I said. Do you have a dad? What does he do?” “Yes, Mari chan, the mirror girl said. I have a dad. He’s a salesman and he’s sleeping right now. He usually sleeps in on Sundays. I got a mom too, if you want to know. She can be a big pain sometimes but she loves us and really takes care of the family. She’s now downstairs making breakfast.”

out of the ordinary 通常でない
disappointed がっかりした
nervous どぎまぎした
exceedingly ものすごく
a heap of 山のようにたくさんの
exactly 正確に、寸分違わずに
amused 楽しんだ、おもしろがった
pretend to … 〜しているふりをする
sleep in 朝遅くまで寝る