年別アーカイブ: 2016年

Level2 – Viking

Level2 – Viking

My classes this week are about restaurants so I’d like to write a blog about a very common mistake my students sometimes make.

A: What did you have for lunch?
B: We ate Viking! (バイキング)

When I first came to Japan I was very surprised by this answer because :

バイキング, in English is an all you can eat buffet and it’s inspired by Swedish Smörgåsbord (buffet) restaurants. The Hotel that started the trend in Japan (the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo) thought that Smörgåsbord was not a catchy name and also was difficult to pronounce. At that time “The Vikings” was a very popular Hollywood film. Someone watched it and thought that Viking was a perfect word for buffet style dining. After all both words come from Scandinavia. Personally I am not so sure.

Important Expressions:
a common mistake
an all you can eat buffet
be inspired by
difficult to pronounce
I am not so sure

Level 3/4 Catch !

Level 3/4  Catch !

image           image

Hello everyone, I’m sure you are all thrilled to hear that after a brief hiatus we are starting our weekly blogs again!!

Hope you all had a wonderful summer( the weather has been fantastic this year hasn’t it?) and I’m glad to see you all back looking tanned and refreshed.

Today we are going to concentrate on the word catch.

“Why?” You may find yourself wondering, well it’s because I spent most of my summer holiday catching various creatures with my very energetic and enthusiastic children.

First was tadpoles, not really summer more like spring ,we caught about 40 of these little beasts in the pond in front of Fukuoka City Museum in Momochi let half go and took the rest home and were soon blessed with the birth of about 20 baby frogs which we kept on my balcony. Quite a horror show. Next was diving beetles, captured at the same place and surprisingly long lived they lasted about 3 months! Summer came and the inevitable cry of “ I want to catch cicadas.” came from my son’s mouth. This is a rather harrowing time for me since there are no insects quite so big in the rather cool part of the world I come from and when my son says “I” he means you, namely me since he is rather scared of them himself and my wife can’t touch them. We then moved on to crabs from the beach, a disastrous process of trial and error when we realised that they don’t survive long when left in direct sunlight for long periods of time.
They died.
Last but not least was catching the mythical creatures known as pokemon, easy to find, never die(unlike my i-phone battery), and cost nothing to keep. I have found they are the perfect pets.

As you can see it was an eventful summer for me and due to all this outdoor activity I managed to catch the sun pretty well this year and got the suntan of a lifetime, didn’t catch a single minute of the Rio Olympics, was able to catch up with my kids a bit since I only usually see them sleeping, managed to catch a few z’s myself (a precious luxury) and at the end of all that I caught a nice dose of food poisoning from some dodgy mayonnaise that I ate.

Catch you at the next lesson.


Level 1- A Day at the Zoo

Tim’s Blog – A Day at the Zoo

Last Thursday I wasn’t very busy so I went to the zoo and the botanical garden. I went there with my family.

The botanical garden is my favourite place in Fukuoka. On weekdays there are few people, so I can relax.

We went to the zoo after Irene’s (my daughter) school. She was really excited, she really loves the zoo.

We stayed there until 16:30. After the zoo, I went to my school in Yakuin and Irene went to her ballet practice. We were very tired, but we had a very good time.

This Saturday we are going to go to the night zoo. Irene is again very excited.

What about you? What’s your favourite place in Fukuoka? Have you ever been to the zoo?

Tim and Irene at the Botanical Garden

Cute Irene is very excited!!

Important Vocabulary and Expressions:
・on weekdays
・there are few people (there are some people, there are many people)
・excited, tired (I am excited. I am tired, I was excited, I was tired, she is tired, she is excited  etc.)
・I am going to go to the night zoo ( I am going to go to work tomorrow, I am going to go drinking on Saturday)












Summer Party!!!

Summer Party!!!

今年もSummer Partyを開催いたします‼‼

場所:VIORO 7階 “Hus” テラス席 (雨天時は室内となります)

英語の学習 – 習慣の力


Tim’s Blog – Studying English – Making something into a habit
英語の学習 – 習慣の力

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

I think it has generally been accepted in the past few years that the easiest way to improve at something, learn a new skill, get fitter, learn a new language or do basically anything that requires time and effort is to make it into a daily habit.

I realised that about one or two years ago when I started writing a number of daily tasks I had to complete every day. I started with 4 daily tasks which were 1) Sorry, I can’t say 2) Play with my daughter 3) Stretch and 4) Exercise.  When I started, I found even something as simple as stretching to be quite difficult to accomplish every day. Not to mention how hard actually starting to exercise daily was.
1年か2年くらい前、日々自分がしないといけないいくつかの日課を書き出し始めたときに、そのことに気付きました。4つの日課から始めたのですが、それは 1) すみません、内緒です 2) 娘と遊ぶ 3) ストレッチをする 4) 運動をする というものでした。始めてみると、ストレッチくらいの単純なことでさえ、毎日やり遂げるのは結構難しいんだなと感じました。毎日運動し始めるのがどれだけ大変だったかは、言うまでもありません。

After I started doing it every day for a week or two I realised that the amount of mental and physical effort required to accomplish those tasks diminished day by day up to the point that they became almost automatic after a while.

Playing with my daughter doesn’t exactly work this way but having it as one of my day to day tasks ensured that I would try and spend at least some quality time with her even when I was really busy.

After my realisation of the power of the daily habit I started adding daily tasks about anything I thought that can improve my character, my skills or could serve as good motivator to make my days more productive or simply more enjoyable.

My list of daily tasks is now up to 31 including Drinking Moderately (Mixed results there), Eating Healthily,  Reading a Book, Playing an instrument, Walking 10,000 steps, Not complaining about anything, Being concentrated and teaching good classes etc….

If you want to improve your English why don’t you just try and make it into a daily habit too? I think you will find it to be very effective!








そして二つ目は・・・大好きなMusical Theatreです。






子 (ねずみ) と 丑 (うし)

Tim’s Blog – Rats and Cows
子 (ねずみ) と 丑 (うし)

Hello Everyone, my next classes on Apr 23rd and 24th are about the Chinese horoscope and superstitions. Since we are going to be talking a little bit about the animals that comprise the Chinese horoscope, I thought I could share with you some very frequently used idioms about some of them.
皆さんこんにちは、4月23日と24日の私のレッスンでは干支 (えと) と迷信を扱います。干支を成す動物達について少しばかり話すことになっていますので、そういう動物達に関する、たいへんよく使われる慣用句をいくつか一緒に見てみるのもいいかなと思います。

1)rat on someone: to report someone’s bad behaviour to someone in authority; to tattle on someone.
Ex: His accomplice ratted on him to save his skin.
(人) について「ねずみ」る:人の悪行を職権を有する者に報告する、誰かの告げ口をする。

2)smell a rat: to suspect that something is wrong; to sense that someone has caused something wrong.
Ex: I can’t believe this was an accident. I smell a rat.

3)gym rat:  a person who spends a lot of time at the gym.
Ex: Johnny never leaves the gym. He’s such a gym rat!

4)a sacred cow: a belief or system that is treated with much respect and is not usually criticized.
Ex: The NHS has been treated as a sacred cow for too long. Reform is needed urgently.

5)a cash cow: a business or a part of a business that always makes a lot of profit.
Ex: It is the financial services that are the company’s biggest cash cow.

6)until the cows come home: for a very long time.
Ex: We could talk about this problem until the cows come home, but it wouldn’t solve anything.

Riri in the small mirror

Riri in the small mirror

I didn’t want to hang out with the girl called Riri in the mirror.
So, I decided that it was better to stick with mom for the moment. I was about to ask her whether she needed help with anything, “You can load some of the dishes into the dish washer, if you feel like,” she said before I asked. I don’t know how she does it but sometimes mom knows exactly what I’m about to say! “And oh, your bedroom could use some vacuuming and tidying up,” she added. Mom had carelessly used the words “if you feel like” I don’t know about other ten-year olds but I like those words. “If you feel like.” Actually, as any regular ten-year old, I didn’t feel like doing either of the suggested chores.

stick with 〜にくっ付いて離れない、〜とずっと一緒にいる
tidy up     きれいに片付ける、整理整頓する