
How to study English – switch off your Japanese brain-part one

 Hi everybody, today I’m going to give you a little advice on how to become a more natural speaker and that is to switch off your Japanese brain when speaking in English.

I’ve noticed thing a lot of students do is try to directly translate words or phrases from Japanese into English. This is of course natural when you are starting out and have a limited vocabulary but as you progress it is really a good idea to get out of the habit, directly translating words or phrases( especially idioms) can cause major confusion.

 Today I will explain something that everyone finds tricky and that is how in English when describing a noun we tend to use a combination of noun first and then description whereas in Japanese the description of the noun comes first.

 For example here is what an incorrect sentence would sound like.

 I met last week teacher was very kind..

 I‘ve been in Japan a while so I know what you want to say.


Like I said above we don’t describe the noun first in English usually start the sentence with the to show a specific and then give the description at the end so..

 The teacher I met last week was very nice.

 Here is another incorrect example.

 We often go to Thai restaurant is so good.


 Same again start with the  then give the noun and the explanation.

 The Thai restaurant we always go to is so good.

 And so on

 I often go to bar X


the bar I often go to O

I bought other day bag X


 the bag I bought the other day O

 So you can probably see a pattern forming can’t you? That is all you have to do but it takes a little time to get used to. Once it is done it is done though and after a bit of practice it will become natural to you so keep at it and try to remember to switch off your Japanese brain!

 Good luck.







I met last week teacher was very kind..




 The teacher I met last week was very nice.


We often go to Thai restaurant is so good. 私達が良く行くタイレストランはすごく美味しいです。


 The Thai restaurant we always go to is so good.


I often go to bar ×


the bar I often go to ○

I bought other day bag ×


 the bag I bought the other day ○












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