日常英会話レッスン – 英語初心者のみなさん、便利な “I would like”の使い方と落とし穴

Beginner English – How to use “I would like”

Hello everyone,

One common mistake that my beginner students sometimes make is the use of “to” after “I’d like”.

After “I would like to” you need to use a verb,
ex: I would like to go to Hokkaido someday.

If you’d like to use a noun then you need to drop the “to”
ex: I would like a beer please.

Let’s use a restaurant as our setting as it’s our subject for this week.
If you mistakenly said
ex. I would like to beer please.
That sounds as if you are saying
ex. I’d like two beers please.
Which means that you’ll be quite surprised when the waiter brings you two beers (especially if you are by yourself)

As said before after “I would like to” you need to use a verb,
ex: I would like to have a beer, please. or
ex: I’d like to order a beer please.

Hope that’s helpful and see you in class!
Kensington Eikaiwa,


英語初心者のみなさんへ。便利な “I would like”の使い方


初心者の皆さんが時々やる間違いのひとつが、“I would like”(~が欲しいのですが)のうしろに “to” を付けてしまうことです。

もし”to”を付けて “I would like to ” (~したいのですが)というときは、後ろに動詞(=動作)が来なくてはいけません。

【例】ビールたいのですが。⇒ 誤:「ビール」は動詞ではないので本来 “to” は不要

おまけに、これだと “to” が “two” に聞こえて、次のように間違えられてしまう恐れも。

繰り返しになりますが、 “I would like to ” の後ろには動詞が必要です。


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