
Study advice
Set Goals

Hello there everyone,

One of the new things you will start to notice in our classes is that we have added goals for the class at the beginning of each lesson. 

This is a good idea for your English learning too. There are two types of goals you could set yourself.

  • Long term goals such as passing a test, finding a job related to English, travelling overseas in an English speaking country, or getting into a university or college overseas. 
  • Short term goals like understanding a certain type of grammar, reviewing a number of classes, watching a film/ tv show all in English, or reading a short article story. 

Setting a long term goal, and letting everyone know that you plan to do it, is a great way to motivate yourself to keep studying but it takes time and is more difficult to achieve so also set yourself some short term. Short term goals will help you give you a sense of progress and you can give yourself a pat on the back when you achieve them too. 

If you aren’t sure what kind of goals you should be setting yourself at your level, feel free to ask any of the teachers at Kensington when you come to the school. We are here to help!





  • 長期的目標ーテストに合格する、英語に関係する仕事を見つける、英語圏の国へ旅行に行く、海外の大学に入学す、など。
  • 短期的目標ー文法の種類を理解する、レッスンの復習、英語でテレビや映画を観たり、短い記事や話を読む、など。




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