学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – Word Families 、単語の家族??

Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Word families

Hey guys,

English can be a tricky language, and sometimes it doesn’t seem to make sense. But it also has little clues that – if you know how to identify them – can reveal meaning.

For example if a longer word ends in ‘ing’ (exciting, eating), then it probably can also function as a verb if you remove the ‘ing’ (excite, eat). Though, you might have to modify it a little bit, like adding the ‘e’ in ‘excite’, as I did.

Word families such as these can really help you get at the meaning of a word, even if you’ve never heard of it before. If you learn some word families yourself it can help you in many ways: understanding, pronunciation and spelling, to name a few.

Be careful though, guys. English has a complex History and some rules don’t always hold up in every situation. We gotta stay flexible! 🙂



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす
Word Families 



例えば「ing」で終わる長めの単語( exitingやeating )は、「 ing 」を取る( excite,eat )とおそらく動詞として働くでしょう。私が「excite」に「 e 」を付け足した様に、少し修正しなくてはいけないかもしれませんが。

この様な「Word Family (品詞が違う単語のグループ)」は、例えあなたがその単語を以前に聞いた事が無かったとしても、その意味を知る為にとても役に立ちます。もしあなたがいくつかのWord Familyを学習すれば、少し例を挙げると、理解、発音、記述など、多くの面で助けになります。

でも皆さん、気を付けて下さい。英語は複雑な歴史を持っていて、いくつかのルールはどんな場合でも有効とは限りません。私達は柔軟に対応していかなければいけませんね! 🙂


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