学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – IELTSへのアドバイス

Study Advice
IELTS Advice

Hello again everyone,

As you know by now we are going to be offering test preparation help and advice for IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, and EIKEN from this year. I will be focusing on teaching mostly IELTS and from now on will be giving you all hints and tips here on different parts of the test and what to expect on the day of your exam. 

Today we will start with an easy tip for part one of the speaking test.
You will be asked a number of simple questions about yourself, where you are from, and why you are studying English. This part of the test is a back and forth conversation between you and the examiner and lasts for about 4-5 minutes. It covers a range of different topics that will be covered in most IELTS textbooks. 

Tip: There is a lot of material available to prepare for this but try not to memorise each one. If the examiner feels that you are giving a memorised answer they will change the topic so by all means practice as many of the different topics that may come up but don’t commit them to memory, they are looking for English used fluently and naturally. 

Good luck with your studies.


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす


もう皆さんご存知の通り、ケンジントン英会話では 今年から IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFLそして英検へのアドバイスなどを行う、テスト対策をはじめています。
私は今後、 主にIELTS対策を行う予定で、皆さんにテストに関する様々なヒントやコツ、テスト当日に予測されることについてお伝えして行きます。


ヒント: テスト対策に関する沢山の教材がありますが、ひとつひとつを記憶する必要はありません。試験官はあなたが答えを暗記していると感じたら、話題を変更するでしょう。


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