タグ別アーカイブ: #ケンジントン英会話

学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – レッスンに行く前に考えてみよう

Study Advice
How to make most of your lessons

This week’s topic is “Possessions” – and it’s a great topic to talk about your own life. I recommend before class to do some brainstorming and think of your favourite possessions in your life. You don’t need to talk about big, expensive possessions like houses and cars. Try to think about the small things that make you happy every day. Perhaps it’s your favourite mug, or a family photo by your bed. Whatever it is, try to explain to your teacher what it is that you love so much about your favourite things.

For example, the favourite thing in my kitchen is my huge Starbucks mug! Usually in Japan, glasses, cups and mugs are quite small and, for me, a little inconvenient. It’s quite hard to find very big mugs in Japan. Luckily, I found a really big mug in Starbucks last year – so I bought it immediately! I love to drink a big cup of tea or coffee in the morning, and my mug is perfect for this. I usually don’t like big brands, but I think the black Starbucks logo on my mug looks quite cool. I think it cost about 1500 yen, and it really helps me to wake up in the morning!

I recommend thinking of the important possessions in your life, both big and small. Also, be sure to ask your teacher about their favourite possessions and join the discussion!

See you in class!



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす






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私の出身地、私自身~ロス講師の自己紹介 – スコティッシュキルトについて

Talk about myself/my hometown my country
Scotish Kilt

Many Scottish men own a tartan kilt – it’s a type of skirt, but only for men. We wear it on special occasions, such as weddings. You don’t need to be the groom to wear a kilt, in fact usually all men at a Scottish wedding wear kilts. I think kilts look quite fashionable, and very traditional. They are often different shades of green: usually dull colours, but you can also find more modern styles with brighter colours. I own a kilt and mine is more of a modern style. It has the traditional tartan check pattern, but it has some bright yellow and red lines mixed in with the green. Although they look great, sometimes they can be quite uncomfortable and impractical to wear! For example, they are quite heavy, and if it rains (it always rains in Scotland!) and your kilt gets wet, it gets even heavier and takes a long time to dry. Also, wearing a kilt in Scottish winter is absolutely freezing! In general though, I love wearing my kilt at weddings, and it’s great fun to see everyone doing traditional Scottish dancing while wearing their kilts.

If you’re interested in Scottish culture, please feel free to ask me any questions you have next time we meet.




多くのスコットランド人の男性は自分のタータンキルト (一種のスカートですが、男性専用です)を持っています。私達はそれを、例えば結婚式などの特別な時に着ます。あなたが花婿さんになる時にはキルトを着用する必要はないのですが、実際には、通常スコットランドの結婚式では全ての男性がキルトを着ています。キルトはすごくおしゃれに見えますし、とても伝統的だと思います。キルトは様々な色合いの通常はくすんだグリーンですが、現代的なスタイルの明るい色の物も見ることができます。私も自分のキルトを持っていて、それはとても現代的なスタイルのものです。それは伝統的なタータンチェック柄ですが、明るい黄色と赤のラインがグリーンのラインにミックスされています。見た目は素晴らしいキルトですが、実は時々、着用していて全く快適でないこともありますし、実用的ではないのです!例えば、キルトはとても重いのですが、もし雨が降って(実際スコットランドはいつも雨です!)あなたのキルトが濡れてしまったらさらに重くなって、乾かすのはとても時間がかかります。それに、スコットランドで冬にキルトを着ると、凍えるほど寒いです!通常は私は結婚式でキルトを着用するのが好きです。キルトを着た人々が伝統的なスコティッシュダンスを踊るのを見るのはとても楽しいです。



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日常でつかえる英語表現 -“A picture is worth a thousand words-百聞は一見にしかず”

Everyday English
“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

In English we say “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This means that difficult or complex ideas can often easily be shown with just one picture. We hope each photo we share helps to brainstorm lots of ideas to talk about. Pictures help us to talk about many small details we often overlook or forget. Also, they help others to get a good feeling of a person, possession or place.

When I see a new photo, I also want to know about all the things I can’t see in a photo! For example, I often want to ask about whatever happened before or after the photo was taken. I want to know the background of the people in the photos, and why they are doing what they are doing. What’s missing? Why is it not there? Is this normal? How did the people in the photo feel at that time? Sometimes the picture can answer all these questions, and sometimes we need another thousand words to discuss everything! Either way, photos are great conversation starters, and a great tool to improve our English language skills.



“A picture is worth a thousand words-百聞は一見にしかず”

英語で“A picture is worth a thousand words.”、これは、1枚の絵は千の言葉の価値がある、つまり「複雑で難しいアイデアは1000の言葉で説明するよりも1枚の絵を見せた方が伝わりやすい」という意味です。私達がシェアする1枚1枚の写真からたくさんの話題がひらめくといいですね。写真は、普段見逃したり、忘れてしまいがちなとても些細なことを話すのに役立ちますし、人や物、場所についての良い感情を与えることもできます。




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今週のレッスントピック - お気に入りの持ち物について

This week’s subject – Possessions

This week’s subject is “Possessions” – so we are going to be talking about all our favourite things, and why we like them so much! To do this, we need to think about why we decided to buy our favourite items (and not just any similar item). Is it the brand, the style, the colour, the design – why do you love your possessions? We also need to think about where and when we bought them, and how much they cost. Lastly, we need lots of great adjectives to describe our things, and to let others know how we feel about them.

Like many people, my favourite possessions are those given to me as a present by others. Recently, my brother gave me a big pair of Bluetooth headphones. He bought them on Amazon and sent them to me as a Christmas gift. In Japan, it’s important to be quiet at home – and my headphones definitely help with this! I use them regularly to watch football matches, films and to listen to music. They look heavy, but they’re actually quite light so they are comfortable to wear. I don’t care about what they look like, or brand names; what’s important to me is that they sound good, and luckily they do!

Feel free to ask me any questions about this, or other possessions, in class!



今週のレッスントピックは「持ち物」です。大好きなものについて、それらをとても好きな理由について話しましょう! そのためには、どうしてこれらのものを買う決断をしたのか(そして、どうして似ているその他のものではダメなのか)について考える必要があります。ブランド、スタイル、色、それともデザインーどうしてあなたはこれらの物が好きなのでしょう?




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ケンジントンでのできごと- 画像描写で英語は上達する

What we are doing in Kensington

These days in Kensington we’re starting to add photos to our curriculum. The Kensington staff hope to share more about our life and experiences with our students, and hope that students can do the same. 

We hope this improves your English in 2 ways. First, we hope it helps to ask more and better questions. Feel free to ask your teachers anything about all the new, wonderful photos you see on the website. You can ask for more details, or whether the teacher recommends the experience. This practice will help our students start more conversations, and give them more confidence to do so.

Our second hope is that it encourages you to share photos of your life, and then we can help you to talk more about your own experiences. Everyone has a smartphone these days, with hundreds, if not thousands of images on them. Whether you want to talk about a great meal you had recently, a trip you took, or just your favourite item in 711, a photo really does help to explain exactly what you want to talk about. Describing photos also gives you great practice of using the past tense and re-telling a story, so I can’t wait to hear all your interesting stories in class!

See you then,








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ビジネス英語ーget up to speed 内容をしっかり把握する

get up to speed

Hello there everyone, 

Today’s business English expression means to acquire all the information, skills, or knowledge on a certain matter or task. 


“Let’s get everyone up to speed on what we decided in today’s meeting and then talk about how to proceed from this point onward.”

“ Once we’ve got you up to speed on all the safety regulations for the machine, you can start your practical training.” 



get up to speed


今日は「 Get up to speed 」というビジネス英語の表現を紹介します。



“Let’s get everyone up to speed on what we decided in today’s meeting and then talk about how to proceed from this point onward.”

“ Once we’ve got you up to speed on all the safety regulations for the machine, you can start your practical training.”


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Study advice
Set Goals

Hello there everyone,

One of the new things you will start to notice in our classes is that we have added goals for the class at the beginning of each lesson. 

This is a good idea for your English learning too. There are two types of goals you could set yourself.

  • Long term goals such as passing a test, finding a job related to English, travelling overseas in an English speaking country, or getting into a university or college overseas. 
  • Short term goals like understanding a certain type of grammar, reviewing a number of classes, watching a film/ tv show all in English, or reading a short article story. 

Setting a long term goal, and letting everyone know that you plan to do it, is a great way to motivate yourself to keep studying but it takes time and is more difficult to achieve so also set yourself some short term. Short term goals will help you give you a sense of progress and you can give yourself a pat on the back when you achieve them too. 

If you aren’t sure what kind of goals you should be setting yourself at your level, feel free to ask any of the teachers at Kensington when you come to the school. We are here to help!





  • 長期的目標ーテストに合格する、英語に関係する仕事を見つける、英語圏の国へ旅行に行く、海外の大学に入学す、など。
  • 短期的目標ー文法の種類を理解する、レッスンの復習、英語でテレビや映画を観たり、短い記事や話を読む、など。




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ジェイミー講師の自己紹介 スコットランドのスラング

My country and culture
Scottish Slang

Hello again!

Last time I told you about the town I grew up in and the Gaelic language, today I’d like to introduce you to some Scottish slang. The Scots have a very strong accent and also use a lot of slang that people from England have a bit of trouble understanding. My father is from near London and when I was visiting my grandparents in the summer holidays he sometimes had to help my gran and grandad understand what I was saying!

Here are some slang words and phrases we use.

Aye-  Yes
Dinnae- Don’t
Canny- Can’t
Blootered/ Steamin -drunk
Piece – Sandwich
Neeps- Turnips
Dreich- Cold Wet Weather
Drookit- Soaking wet.

The list is completely endless to be honest so you can see why my grandparents had a bit of trouble understanding me. Scotland is only a small country, but the slang changes quite a bit from town to town and so does the accent. 

I have lived overseas for the best part of 20 years now so my accent has almost disappeared unfortunately.I had to tone it down for teaching English otherwise I’d never have lasted long in a job. When I go back home my friends always make fun of me and sometimes even get more than a little annoyed because I sound nothing like a Scot nowadays.








Aye-  Yes  (はい)
Dinnae- Don’t  (〜しないで)
Canny- Can’t  (〜できない)
Blootered/ Steamin -drunk  (ひどく酔っぱらった)
Piece – Sandwich  (サンドウィッチ)
Tattie-Potato  (じゃがいも)
Neeps- Turnips  (かぶ)
Ken-Know  (知る)
Greet-Cry  (泣く)
Dreich- Cold Wet Weather  (寒くて湿った天気)
Drookit- Soaking wet  (びしょ濡れ) 





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Everyday English
Don’t count your chickens until they’ve hatched

Hello there everyone,

We are giving advice in this weekend’s classes so here is a phrase we use to give people advice. This means don’t make plans for money/ things you expect to happen in the future until they have actually occurred. 


“I hear we are getting a huge bonus this winter. I’m buying myself a new car.”

“Don’t count your chickens till they’ve hatched.” They told us the same thing last year but in the end we only got half the amount!”

Hope that comes in handy.






Don’t count your chickens until they’ve hatched.


“I hear we are getting a huge bonus this winter. I’m buying myself a new car.”

“Don’t count your chickens till they’ve hatched.” They told us the same thing last year but in the end we only got half the amount!”



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今週のレッスントピック- 英語でアドバイス

This week’s subject
Giving Advice

Hello there everyone,
The topic for this weekend’s classes is “Giving Advice”

We will practice some phrases for asking and giving advice on some popular travel destinations in Japan and overseas and giving advice on things to do/ where to go to celebrate special occasions.

Should be at the same time fun and informative!

See you all this weekend!










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