ケンジントン英会話ニュース - 教室/オンラインでレッスン再開


Back to the classroom/ Online Lessons

Hello there everyone,

As you know the state of emergency has been lifted in Fukuoka, schools are going back, and businesses are reopening their doors.

We are very happy to announce that we will be doing the same and are opening the classrooms back up from June ! In order to do this though we will have to make some changes to the classrooms and the way people are seated in order to keep everyone safe.

We are now thinking non stop about how to provide not only the best English lessons in Fukuoka, but also the safest.

We haven't decided all the details yet but our safety plan we'll definitely involve
- Having a virus killing air cleaner in every classroom
- All students and staff using anti bacterial sprays when entering the classroom
- Windows will be open during class time to ventilate the room
- All students and staff will be asked to wear masks
- We will create space between student’s seats
- All common surfaces will be wiped down before and after class
amongst other measures, please stay tuned for more information.

We will also be continuing the online lessons for those of you who aren’t quite ready to come back to the class yet or find that online lessons are actually more convenient for you. Students will be allowed to use the online lessons as well as the classroom lessons. The schedule is still being decided so please watch this space for further details coming soon!

Look forward to seeing you all in June!








- 除菌機能のある空気清浄機を全ての教室に備える
- 受講生とスタッフは入室時に除菌スプレーを使う
- 部屋の換気のためレッスン中は窓を開ける
- 受講生とスタッフはみなマスクを着用する
- 席と席のあいだにスペースをとる
- 共有する部分はレッスン前後に拭きあげる


