


This month is  Guy Fawkes Night in the U.K, it is also known as Bonfire Night.


It has been celebrated in different ways since 1605 when a plot to blow up the House of Lords  and assassinate King James the 1st was discovered, and one of the members of the group, known nowadays as Guy Fawkes, was arrested.


On that night, to celebrate the King’s survival, bonfires were lit around London and not long after, the day was designated as a day of thanksgiving. Nowadays we traditionally light bonfires ,either large public ones, or smaller family and friends affairs. An effigy of Guy Fawkes is placed on the bonfire and burned to celebrate the capture and execution of the conspirators and we also set off fireworks.


Over the years the way of celebrating Guy Fawkes night have changed it used to have religious overtones and was a bit of a gruesome celebration, but nowadays it’s just fun for kids mainly, unfortunately for us, and them, the conspirators decided to attempt their assassination in November so their gunpowder got soaked making it impossible to detonate and we have to stand out in the freezing cold to watch the fireworks!


So, if you are ever in a British town around that time of year and don’t mind braving the cold, go and find out where the local bonfire is, you can experience a little bit of one of our more grim traditions.
