月別アーカイブ: 2015年9月

At the Movies

Saturday afternoon

At the Movies

Dad took us to the mall this afternoon after lunch. I think it was because my mom was unhappy about something. Have no idea what that something was. She said so little during lunch and I noticed, she was avoiding eye contact with dad. For mom, saying little and avoiding eye contact are two major signs that she’s not exactly on cloud nine. Dad wanted to cheer her up pulling one of his tricks; a trip to the mall.

Mom likes going to the mall probably more than anybody in the family. When she was a kid I guess she’d want to go there every single day.

The afternoon was smiling in bright sunshine and fluffs of white clouds swam here and there in the blue sky above the town. The roads leading to the mall were all clogged up with traffic and we drove all the way to the top floor of the parking garage to find a parking spot. People have a terrible habit of rushing to the same place at the same time.

When we got to the mall, dad asked if anyone wanted to watch a movie. “Yeah!!” We all screamed in unison. Another trick hit the bull’s eye. Dad’s a genius!

avoid …を避ける

on cloud nine とても幸せな、至福で

clogged up 塞がった

have a terrible habit of ひどい…の癖がある、…するひどい習性がある

in unison 声を揃えて

ビジネス英会話でよく使う表現 No.7


ビジネス英会話でよく使う表現 No.7

Idioms can be very difficult for non-native speakers of English to follow but they are very frequently found in the business world. Following you will find some very usual expressions that are used regularly by businessmen and in business publications around the world.


bring (something) to the table

– contribute something of value to a discussion, project,

Jane brings a lot of skills to the table but she also has very serious character flaws.


– 話し合いや企画に有用なことをもたらす


in the long run

– over a long period of time

The company has been losing money recently but in the long run they should be able to make a profit.


– 長期にわたっては


line of products

– A group of related products manufactured by a single company.

Apple will introduce their brand new line of products in Grand Hyatt hotel in Fukuoka!!


– 1つの会社によって製造された、一連の商品群


put (something) on hold

– to postpone a project

We decided to put the construction of a Twin Tower replica called “The Windsor Towers” in Yakuin on hold after a key investor withdrew.


– 計画を延期すること


run an ad

– to broadcast / publicise an advertisement

Fukuoka bank stopped running the ads after a series of complaints.


– 広告を放送・宣伝すること


新学期 – 学校関連のフレーズ・慣用句


Jaimie’s Blog – Back to school

新学期 – 学校関連のフレーズ・慣用句

September is here and for some of us it means it’s time to go back to school after the holidays.

There are quite a few differences between the systems in Japan and the U.K, one is that where I’m from, Scotland ,we don’t have junior high, so we start high school at 12 (an absolutely petrifying experience if I remember correctly) We also begin primary school at 5 and school starts in September not Spring.

Some of the classes are different too, we have to take religious education for at least 2 years, where we study about other religions and the effect they have on other cultures. French and German are compulsory for 2 years and after that you can drop one or continue both but you must continue a foreign language for at least 4 years. I think British kids start French at the age of 10 now actually.

We take GCSE exams at 16 in all subjects and after that we drop some of the subjects that aren’t necessary for entering the university we are thinking of and concentrate on some core subjects related to the field we would like to study in our higher education. We don’t really have a university entrance exam as such, your school grades are the basis for the uni you enter. Nobody goes to cram school, in fact I’ve never heard of one near where I used to live.

There are very few private schools, the majority of people, around 90 percent ,go to public schools and almost all schools are co-ed.

Lots of schools don’t have a uniform.

The canteen food was bad.

Anyway, since it’s back to school for some of you here are few phrases or idioms related to schools.

school on (to teach, instruct, lecture someone on a subject)
〜を学校する (教える、指導する、[人]にある科目を教え込む)
The first day at work was pretty boring. They just schooled us on the company’s rules.

cut class (not go to class)
授業を切る (授業をサボる)
I didn’t feel like going to school that day so I cut all my morning classes.

teacher’s pet (someone who does everything to keep the teacher happy)
先生のペット (先生に気に入られることは何でもする人)
I can’t stand that guy! He’s such a teacher’s pet.

flunk (to fail an exam or course)
I’m going to have to tell my parents I flunked maths again.

hit the books (begin to study hard)
本に当たる (猛勉強に取りかかる)
I’m going to have to hit the books early if I don’t want to flunk maths again.

pass with flying colours (to pass with a good score)
はためく旗とともに通過する (好成績で合格する)
His parents are over the moon because he passed all his exams with flying colours.

Hope you find those useful.

See you at the next class.



Tim’s Blog – British Slang – Part 2


This is the second part of some very usual British slang expressions.


1. Dodgy

In British slang terms, ‘dodgy’ refers to something wrong, illegal, or just plain ‘off’, in one way or another.

Ex.1  I had a dodgy kebab last night and I don’t feel right.

Ex.2  There’s just something dodgy about him, I wouldn’t trust him.

1. 「いかがわしい」

ブリティッシュ・スラングでは、dodgy は「不審な」「胡散臭い」または単純にいろいろな点で「イケてない」ことを表します。

例1) 前の夜にヘンなケバブ(中東の焼肉料理)食ってさ、何かしっくりしないんだ。

例2) あいつは何か怪しい、信じるわけにはいかん。

2. Rubbish

One very commonly-used British phrase, ‘rubbish’ is used to mean general waste and trash, to also express disbelief in something to the point of ridicule and to describe something as very bad.

Ex.1 I take the rubbish out every Tuesday and Friday.

Ex.2 What? Are you serious? Don’t talk rubbish.

Ex.3 I thought his new film was rubbish.

2. 「クズ」

よく使われるものの1つで、イギリスならではの言い回しです。rubbish はゴミやがらくたを広く意味しますが、ばかにしたくなるほど信用できないということや、非常に悪いということも表します。

例1) ゴミは毎週火曜と金曜に出します。

例2) 何っ?本気かよ?アホなこと言うな。

例3) 彼の新しい映画はほとんどクズだと思う。

3. Brilliant

‘Brilliant’ is not a word exclusively in the British lexicon, but has a very British usage. Specifically, when something is exciting or wonderful, particularly when something is good news, ‘brilliant’ can mean as such.

Ex. You got the job? That’s brilliant!

3. 「すんばらしい」

Brilliant はイギリス英語でのみ使われる言葉ではありませんが、とてもイギリスらしい使い方があります。特に、わくわくすることや素晴らしいこと、とりわけよい知らせがあるときに、brilliant が使えます。

例) 仕事、見つかったの?そりゃすごい!

4. Taking The Piss

Given the British tendency to mock and satirise anything and everything possible, ‘taking the piss’ is in fact one very popular and widely-used British slang term. To ‘take the piss’ means to mock something, parody something, or generally be sarcastic and derisive towards something.

Ex. Jonathan was taking the piss of his boss again last night. It was absolutely brilliant!!

4. 「おちょくり」

できる限りは何でもからかって皮肉る、イギリス人の傾向を考えると、taking the piss は、実際とても人気で広く用いられるブリティッシュ・スラングの1つです。Take the piss は、「ばかにする」「まねっこする」、または一般的に皮肉で嘲笑的であることを意味します。

例) 昨日の夜さ、ジョナサンがまた上司をおちょくっててさ。絶対すんげーぜ!

タミヨ先生がデザインした、ケンジントン ヨガ・チラシのコンセプト

 Tamiyo’s Yoga Flyer Concept









Again the lotus flower shape was used, this time with a stem, coming from the “ground”.

At the top, photos of the outdoor lessons, representing the morning sky, and in the centre, inside the lotus, the photo of the yogi was introduced.

The flower stem divides the page symmetrically in equal halves, and on each side the text is written in Japanese and English, once the lessons are offered in both languages but also to convey harmony between two different cultures.

At the bottom of the page, where the stem emerges, part of the UK flag was used to convey root, land, and green. Britain is also famous for the beauty of its gardens and green fields

The Beatles (the Fab Four) put Indian culture in vogue back in the 60’s and it is also a connection to the “four features” of Kensington Yoga: small class, individual attention, become a global yogi, and morning classes.

♪ “Sounds of laughter, shades of life are ringing through my open ears

Inciting and inviting me

Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns

It calls me on and on, across the universe

Jai Guru Deva OM” ♫

Across the universe – The Beatles

ビートルズ(素晴らしい4人組)は、かつて60年代にインド文化を流行させ、ケンジントン ヨガの「4つの特長」- 少人数クラス、親切な指導、国際的なヨガ実践者にも対応、朝ヨガ – と関連するものでもあります。
♪「明るい笑い声 大地の色彩は 解き放たれた視界の中で 高らかに鳴り響き  誘うように 私を鼓舞する  無限かつ永遠の愛は 何億もの太陽のように 私のまわりに光り輝き  宇宙の果てへと 私を誘う (以上対訳:山本安見)  我らが導師、神に感謝を」♪

アクロス・ザ・ユニバース - ビートルズ


タミヨ先生がデザインした、ケンジントン ヨガ・チラシのコンセプト

Tamiyo’s Yoga Flyer Concept



Clean, bright, pure

School Philosophy: bright, open environment, individualized attention, English Yoga, morning















The front design was based on the concept of the lotus flower. Representing both yoga and morning.

“The lotus is also a symbol of the centers of consciousness within the body (the chakra centers). The highest chakra, known as the crown chakra or sahasrara chakra, is referred to as a thousand petaled lotus flower.”


“The lotus flower has also been a spiritual symbol in Eastern religion for thousands of years. It grows from the bottom of streams and muddy ponds to rise above the water and bloom. It symbolically represents being fully grounded in earth, yet aspiring towards the divine. At night, the lotus flower closes, and sinks below the water, just to resurface again untouched the next day. It is an iconic symbolism of beauty because it lives in the muddy water yet remains unsoiled.”


The “keep calm” line was used to facilitate the connection between Kensington Eikaiwa school and Kensington Yoga, without having to put Kensington Eikawa school’s logo on the flyer. Although the Eikawa flyer was done in negative (white letter on a dark background) to get attention, and the Kensington Yoga one in positive (letters in a white background) to convey calmness and tranquility, the link between both is clear.





「平静を保て」の一文は、ケンジントン英会話とケンジントン ヨガのつながりを、英会話のロゴをチラシに載せることなく表そうとして、使いました。英会話のチラシは、目を引くために、文字の色の方を薄くして(濃い色の表面に白い文字で)仕上げましたが、ヨガのチラシは、文字の色の方を濃くして(白地の上に文字を置いて)、平静さと平穏さを伝えており、両者のつながりははっきりとしています。

TOEIC単語リスト・職業や人に関する重要単語カード No.2


TOEIC単語リスト・職業や人に関する重要単語カード No.2

As we promised before this is the second set of TOEIC words associated with people, necessary for beginner and lower intermediate students.


mayor                市長

neighbour           近所の人、隣人

nurse                 看護師

officer                公務員、警察官、将校

parent                親、両親

passenger           乗客、旅客

patient (形)         忍耐強い/患者

person                人、人間

player                 競技者、演奏者

president            大統領、社長、会長

receptionist         受付係

secretary             秘書、書記、長官

staff                    職員、部員

technician            専門家、技術者

Good luck with your TOEIC exams. Remember that if you are living in Fukuoka and you need to increase your TOEIC score Windsor Eikaiwa (in Yakuin) or our affiliate school Kensington Eikaiwa (in Akasaka) can help you.
