「Do you want …」「Would you like…」「Shall we…」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Do you want ...」「Would you like...」「Shall we...」の使い方


今回はその中でも「Do you want …」、「Would you like …」、「Shall we …」の3つに焦点を当てたいと思います。

「Do you want …」と「Would you like …」の違い

フォーマルな表現では「Would you like (to)」、カジュアルな表現では「Do you want (to)」が使えます。

Do you want …

Would you like …

カジュアル (家族、友人、同僚)相手をよく知っていて、同じレベルで話している場合に使います。フレンドリーでカジュアルです。 フォーマル (新しいクライアント、顧客、上司) ビジネスシーンでは最も安全な選択です。
Do you want to come to dinner on Friday night? Would you like to come to dinner on Friday night?
Do you want to go for a coffee? Would you like to go for a coffee?
John, do you want some cake? John, would you like some cake?
Do you want something to drink? What can I get you?’  would you like something to drink? What can I get you?’ 


「want to (wanna) …?」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Do you want ...」「Would you like...」「Shall we...」の使い方

want」はフレンドリーでカジュアルな表現 (話している人たちは同じレベルで、誰も他の人を指揮していない、階層がない状態) ですから、Webサイトや販売ページで使われ、よく「do you」が省略されます。

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「Shall we …?」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Do you want ...」「Would you like...」「Shall we...」の使い方

Shall we …?」は、イギリス英語で提案をするときによく使う表現です。

Shall we
go for a walk?

Shall we try that new Italian restaurant?


shall」に対する一般的な答え方は「Yes, let’s.」です。
これは「Yes, we shall.」よりもよく使われます。

Shall we stop now?

B: Yes, let’s.


shall we」は、「let’s」の付加疑問文を作る時にも使われます。

Let’s invite the neighbours over for dinner at the weekend, shall we?

B: Yes, let’s!

shall we …」はとてもイギリス英語的で、カジュアルな場面でもフォーマルな場面でも使えますが、イギリス以外の英語圏の方からすると少しフォーマルに聞こえることがあります。
旅行やホームステイをする際は自分で判断し、「in Rome do as Romans do (郷に入っては郷に従え )」に従ってください。










Do you want … /  Would you like… / Shall we…

In English there are several expressions for inviting someone to something or to do something. This time let’s focus on three of them:
“Do you want…”, “Would you like…” and “Shall we”…

“Do you want…” and “Would you like…” difference

When we give somebody an invitation, we ask if they would like to go somewhere or do something or have something. We can use the formal phrase would you like (to) and the more informal phrase do you want (to):

Do you want….

Would you like…

Informal (family, friends, colleagues)you know someone well and you’re talking on the same level. It’s friendly and informal.  Formal (new client, your customer or your boss)
It’s the safest choice in a business situation.
Do you want to come to dinner on Friday night? Would you like to come to dinner on Friday night?
Do you want to go for a coffee? Would you like to go for a coffee?
John, do you want some cake? John, would you like some cake?
Do you want something to drink? What can I get you?’  would you like something to drink? What can I get you?’ 

want to (wanna)…? 

Because “want” is more friendly and informal (you’re talking on the same level, no one is in charge of the other person, there is no hierarchy)  it is commonly used on websites and sales pages (omitting “do you”). You’re saying ‘we’re like friends (or we could be). I’m on your side’:

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“Shall we… ?”

“Shall we… ?” is a common way of making suggestions in British English. It means you are making a suggestion and you want to know  the other person opinion about it. 

“Shall we go for a walk?”

“Shall we try that new Italian restaurant?”

A common answer to “shall”  would be “Yes, let’s.”, rather than “Yes, we shall.”
A: Shall we stop now? B: Yes, let’s.

Shall we is also the tag question in sentences with “let’s”

A: Let’s invite the neighbours over for dinner at the weekend, shall we?

B: Yes, let’s!

Keep in mind that “shall we…” is very British, used in informal as well formal situations. In some English speaking countries, however, it sounds a bit formal. 

When travelling or doing a homestay, make your own judgment and as the proverb says: “in Rome do as Romans do”. If you notice it is not often used, try other expressions.

In the English language, there are several expression to invite someone or to make invitations. Start practicing with the basic ones and as you increase your confidence (and your understanding of the English speaking countries cultures) incorporate other sentences into your vocabulary.

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