月別アーカイブ: 2023年7月

「Catch a Movie」の意味と使い方【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Catch a Movie」の意味と使い方【例文つき】

今日のブログでは、「Catch a Movie」というよく耳にするイディオムについて詳しく説明します。


「catch a movie」の意味

「catch a movie」の意味は非常にシンプルで、誰かと近い将来映画を観ることを指します。
基本的に、誰かがあなたに「catch a movie」と言ったとき、あなたと一緒に映画館に行って何かを観たいという意味を含んでいます。
watch a movie」というフレーズと基本的にほとんど違いはありませんので、どちらを使っても同じ意味になります。
「catch」は「take hold of (掴む)」や「to get and hold (手に入れて保持する)」などの意味を持つ動詞ですが、視覚的なものに対して使われる場合は意味が変わります。


「catch a …」を使った例文

「catch a movie」の基本的な意味は「watch a movie」と同じですが、「catch a」は他のいくつかのフレーズとも置き換えることができ、何かを見たり観察したりするプロセスを表します。


Let’s catch the fireworks at the park tomorrow

Let’s catch a musical at the theatre

Let’s catch a live performance



「catch a movie」の別の言い方

「catch a movie」はとても一般的でよく使われるフレーズですが、英語は非常に柔軟な言語であるため、同じことを言い表す他の方法もいくつかあります。


Let’s go see a film

I wanna check out a movie tonight

How about we have a movie night?












Today’s blog post is all about the commonly heard idiom of “Catch a Movie”, which is a phrase that’s very useful in social circumstances, whether it be among friends, relatives and colleagues. It’s most often used in the social realm so understanding what exactly it means and how to use it is quite handy.

The Meaning of “Catch a Movie”

The meaning of “catch a movie” is actually very simple – it means to watch a movie in the near future with someone. Essentially, when someone says to you that they’d like to “catch a movie”, it’s an implication that they’d like to go to the cinema with you to see something. There is fundamentally little difference between it and the phrase “watch a movie”, so if you were to say either of them in the same sentence, it’d mean the same thing. The verb is different in separate circumstances – the word “catch” means to “take hold of” or “to get and hold” something, but its meaning shifts when it refers to something that we see or look at.

Example Sentences Using “Catch a …”

While the fundamental meaning of “catch a movie” is the same as “watch a movie”, the term “catch a” is interchangeable with several other phrases that involve the process of seeing or watching something. For example:

“Let’s catch the fireworks at the park tomorrow”

“Let’s catch a musical at the theatre”

“Let’s catch a live performance”

If you were to look at the above and change the word “catch” with “watch” or “see”, you would get exactly the same meaning.

Another Way to Say “Catch a Movie” with Examples

While “catch a movie” is a very common and popular phrase, there are a few other ways you can say the same thing due to English being such a flexible language, for example:

“Let’s go see a film”

“I wanna check out a movie tonight”

“How about we have a movie night?”

These three examples all share the same meaning barring the last one, which implies that there might be multiple movies that may be at a home or at a cinema.

Movies that I’ve caught and really enjoyed

Some recent movies that come to mind that have been really enjoyable have been the original Terminator movies – Terminator 1 and 2 – and a film released in 2022 called “Pig”, starring Nicholas Cage.

Terminator 1 and 2 are certified classics of the sci fi and action genre and still hold up extremely well today. On the other hand, Pig is a wonderful, slow film that deals with some heavier themes alongside some fantastic cinematography and great acting on the part of Nicholas Cage. It’s a movie that comes highly recommended.

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「Scared the Hell Out of Me」ってどういう意味?【例文付き】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Scared the Hell Out of Me」ってどういう意味?【例文付き】

この記事では、「scared the hell out of me」というフレーズを探求し、その意味と英語での使い方を深掘りしていきます。


「scared the hell out of me」の意味

私たちが「scared the hell out of me」と言ったときは、何かが私たちを強烈に怖がらせた、または極度の恐怖やショックを与えたことを意味します。


「scared the hell out of me」と「scared me」の違い

「scared the hell out of me」と「scared me」の両方のフレーズは私たちが恐怖を感じたことを伝えますが、この二つのフレーズの間には、私たちが感じた恐怖の度合いに違いがあります。
“the hell out of”という口語表現を用いることで、恐怖がより強烈に強調されます。


The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared me.

The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared the hell out of me.


「hell out of me」の他の使い方

さきほど言った通り、「the hell out of」は強調するための口語表現で、他の動詞、例えば「annoy(いらだたせる)」「beat(打う)」「get out(出る)」などと共に使うことができます。


Jim annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. Can you believe what he said?

Things got a little bit scary so I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.


「scared the hell out of me」を使った例文

以下に、「scared the hell out of me」をどのように文章で使用するかの例をいくつか挙げてみます。

That horror movie scared the hell out of me. I couldn’t sleep for days.

When the thunderstorm hit Fukuoka last week, the loud thunder scared the hell out of me.

On my way to Oita, because of slippery conditions, the car swerved unexpectedly. It really scared the hell out of me.

Seeing a snake slither across the path near the Fukuoka Zoo scared the hell out of me.


「scared the hell out of me」の他の言い方

極度の恐怖を表す表現は他にも、「terrify me(私を恐れさせる)」「send shivers down my spine(背筋をゾッとさせる)」「petrify me(恐怖で動けなくさせる)」などがあります。

または「scare the bejesus out of me」、「scare the heck out of me」といった「scared the hell out of me」と同じ表現のやや異なる使い方などがあります。文法的な使い方は「scared the hell out of me」と同じです。










Hello there! In this article, we will explore the phrase “scared the hell out of me” and delve into its meaning and usage in English. This expression is commonly used in various contexts in daily life though it’s important to remember that the word “hell” is quite strong and could be considered as offensive so it should be only used in very casual settings. 

Meaning of “Scared the Hell Out of Me” 

When we say that something “scared the hell out of me,” it means that something frightened us intensely or caused us extreme fear or shock. 

Difference between “Scared the Hell Out of Me” and “Scared Me” – 

While both phrases convey that we felt fear, there is a distinction between “scared the hell out of me” and “scared me.” in the degree of fear we felt. That higher degree of emotion is conveyed by the expression “the hell out of” which is a colloquial expression used to provide emphasis. Grammatical usage is the same for both expressions as we can see below. 

Ex: The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared me.
Ex: The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared the hell out of me. 

Other Usages of “Hell out of me”

As mentioned above “the hell out of” is a colloquial expression used to provide emphasis. It can be used with other verbs such as “annoy”, “beat”, “get out”, 

Ex. Jim annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. Can you believe what he said?
Ex. Things got a little bit scary so I got the hell out of there as fast as I could. 

Example sentences with “scared the hell out of me “

Here are some examples of how to use this expression in sentences.

Ex. That horror movie scared the hell out of me. I couldn’t sleep for days.
Ex. When the thunderstorm hit Fukuoka last week, the loud thunder scared the hell out of me.
Ex. On my way to Oita, because of slippery conditions, the car swerved unexpectedly. It really scared the hell out of me.
Ex. Seeing a snake slither across the path near the Fukuoka Zoo scared the hell out of me.

Other ways to say “scared the hell out of me” 

As mentioned above, the word “hell” is only suitable in very casual situations when talking with friends and shouldn’t be used in more formal settings or settings where we need to be a little more careful of what words we should use. Alternate expressions to convey extreme fear include “terrify me”, “send shivers down my spine”, “petrify me” or using the same expression slightly differently as in “scare the bejesus out of me”, “scare the heck out of me”. Grammatical usage is similar. 

Something that scared the hell out of me is…….

Thankfully I haven’t had many scary experiences in my life, maybe one that stands out is the Fukuoka earthquake in 2007. The tremors lasted for I think 15 or 30 seconds or something and our house was located on the Kego underground fault so things were falling on me from all directions. My initial thought was that it was a nuclear attack by Korea somehow so yeah it’s fair to say that it scared the hell out of me.

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I bought a new jacket last week. The jacket was a bit expensive but I really like it!

I went to an Italian restaurant last night. It was the first time I had been to the restaurant and the food was amazing.

Thank you so much for the advice you gave me. It was very helpful!

Could you pass me the salt and pepper please?





  • the River Nile(ナイル川)
  • The Sea of Japan(日本海)
  • The Rockies(ロッキー山脈)
  • the U.K(イギリス)
  • The Czech Republic(チェコ共和国)



  • Lake Victoria(ヴィクトリア湖)
  • Mt Aso(阿蘇山)
  • Japan(日本)



  • The Queen of England(イングランドの女王)
  • The President of the United States of America(アメリカ合衆国大統領)
  • The Pope(教皇)
  • The head of the company(会社の社長)



  • Queen Elizabeth(エリザベス女王)
  • President Trump(トランプ大統領)
  • Pope John Paul(ヨハネ・パウロ教皇)
  • President Tanaka(田中社長)








Hello everyone,
Today I’d like to give you some information on how to use “the”. It is a very big topic and I can only scratch the surface of it really but here are a few examples for just now and I’ll follow up with another blog about this sometime in the future.

Firstly, we use “the” when the identity of something is known. For instance when we mention a noun for the first time we usually use a/an if it is countable and then when the noun is mentioned again we will use the.

“I bought a new jacket last week. The jacket was a bit expensive but I really like it!”

“I went to an Italian restaurant last night. It was the first time I had been to the restaurant and the food was amazing.”

“Thank you so much for the advice you gave me. It was very helpful!

“Could you pass me the salt and pepper please?”

We use the in front of the names of some things such as rivers, seas, mountain ranges, and countries which are unions or republics.


the River Nile, The Sea of Japan, The Rockies, the U.K, The Czech Republic

But we don’t use it in front of things like lakes, mountains, and countries which are not unions or republics

Lake Victoria, Mt Aso, Japan

We also use it when we are talking about people using their title or position.

The Queen of England, The President of the United States of America, The Pope, The head of the company

We don’t use it though when we give their name

Queen Elizabeth, President Trump, Pope John Paul, President Tanaka

Hope that comes in handy.

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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

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「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」ってどういう意味?猿の叔父になる?! – 驚き、信じられない

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「I'll be a monkey's uncle」ってどういう意味?猿の叔父になる?! - 驚き、信じられない

「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」というイディオムを初めて読んだり聞いたりすると、「猿の叔父さんになる」とは一体どういう意味なのかと思うでしょう。


「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」の意味

「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」は、ある状況や発言に対して大きな驚きや信じられなさを表現するために使われる表現です。
「Oh My God!」という意味合いです。


「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」の例文

You won the “Summer Jumbo” lottery? Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! I never thought that would happen!

Yumi is going to run a marathon next week, but she hasn’t trained at all. If she finishes it, I’ll be the monkey’s uncle. It’s highly unlikely!


「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」を使った会話

ユミ (課長):
Guess what, everyone? We have a surprise company trip next week!

Really? Where are we going?


I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! The company has just had the worst sales quarter in its history. Why are we celebrating?



「I’ll be a monkey’s uncle」とは、驚き、信じられなさ、あるいは懐疑的な気持ちを表現するための軽快な方法です。







If you’re reading/hearing this idiom for the first time, you must be wondering what in the world does being a monkey’s uncle mean? Well, it’s another one of the many strange sounding idioms in the English language.


“I’ll be a monkey’s uncle” is an expression used to express great surprise or disbelief at a situation or statement. A bit similar to saying Oh My God! It is often used jokingly or humorously to show that something is very unexpected or unlikely just like saying that someone is actually a monkey’s relative.



“You won the “Summer Jumbo” lottery? Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! I never thought that would happen!”

Yumi is going to run a marathon next week, but she hasn’t trained at all. If she finishes it, I’ll be the monkey’s uncle. It’s highly unlikely!

In a dialogue

Yumi(Section manager): Guess what, everyone? We have a surprise company trip next week!

Staff 1: Really? Where are we going?

Yumi: Hawaii!

Staff 2: I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! The company has just had the worst sales quarter in its history. Why are we celebrating?

Overall, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle is a light-hearted way to express surprise, disbelief or skepticism.

It’s important to note that I haven’t heard someone using that idiom since I was a teenager. It’s probably uncommon these days.

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「Date Night」ってどういう意味?夜のデート?【例文つき解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Date Night」ってどういう意味?夜のデート?【例文つき解説】

「Date Night」という英語表現がカップルの間でときどき使われます。
それでは、「Date Night」とは具体的に何を意味するのでしょうか?



「date (デート)」という概念とは逆に、「date night」は、すでにロマンチックな関係にあるカップルの間でしか話題にされません。
つまり、「date (デート)」を始めたばかりの人々ではないのです。
この考え方は、人々が恋愛関係に入ると、一般的にはもう「date (デート)」をしなくなり、一緒に生活する日常が普通になる、というところから生まれています。
カップルが初めて出会ったときのワクワク感を再び体験するための一つの方法が、「date nights」で、まるで初めてか二回目のデートのように一緒に時間を過ごすのです。


「date night」を使った例文


Me and my wife recently organized a date night. It was really nice.

I think my girlfriend and I should really have a date night again.

We should have a date night one day, without the kids.



「date night」というフレーズは非常に文脈に依存するので、必ずしも覚えたり頻繁に使う必要はありません。

このフレーズを知ることで、ネイティブスピーカーが「date nightを過ごした」と言ったときに意味を理解することができるでしょう。







What Does it Mean to Have a “Date Night”?

An expression in English that is sometimes used among couples is the phrase “Date Night”. It’s not necessarily used frequently and it’s likely you won’t hear it all that often when out and about, but in conversations among friends it may be something you’ll hear – so what does it mean, exactly?

Dates for Couples

Contrary to the concept of a “date”, a date night is only really spoken among couples that are already in a romantic relationship, not people who have begun dating. The idea stems from the fact that when people enter into a relationship, they generally don’t “date” anymore and the general daily routine of living together becomes normal. A way for couples to relive their initial excitement of meeting each other for the first time is by having “date nights”, where they spend time together as if it were a first or second date. 

How to Use it in Conversation

The phrase can be used in a number of ways, with some common ones highlighted below:

“Me and my wife recently organized a date night. It was really nice.”

“I think my girlfriend and I should really have a date night again.”

“We should have a date night one day, without the kids.”

Not Necessary, but Occasionally Useful

The phrase of date night isn’t a necessary one to remember or use frequently, as it’s very contextually dependent. In fact, it’s likely the case that the phrase is now becoming an older one among different generations as it is not so commonly used, at least in some Western countries.

However, you may hear it in popular media here and there, and when in conversation with native speakers, you’ll now understand what it means when they say they had a “date night”.

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