月別アーカイブ: 2024年6月

「Why don’t you …?」は理由を聞いているのではなく提案【〜しませんか?〜してはどうですか?】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Why don't you ...?」は理由を聞いている訳ではないので要注意【〜しませんか?〜してはどうですか?】


よくある混乱の一つが「Why don’t you…?」というフレーズです。






「Why Don’t You…?」とはどういう意味?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Why don't you ...?」は理由を聞いている訳ではないので要注意【〜しませんか?〜してはどうですか?】

Why don’t you…?」というフレーズは、提案をするときによく使われます。


例えば、誰かが「Why don’t you try the new restaurant in Tenjin?」と言った場合、彼らは「新しいレストランを試してみたら?」と提案しているのであって、なぜまだ行っていないのかを尋ねているのではありません。


「Why Don’t You…?」の例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Why don't you ...?」は理由を聞いている訳ではないので要注意【〜しませんか?〜してはどうですか?】

Why don’t you…?」の使い方を理解するために、いくつかの例文をご紹介します。

Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight?

Why don’t you take a break and relax for a bit?

Why don’t you come to the party on Saturday?

Why don’t you consider applying for that job?



また、「Why don’t you」は「instead」という言葉と一緒に使うことがよくあります。


Why don’t you go to the shopping mall, instead?



「Why Don’t You…?」に類似したフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Why don't you ...?」は理由を聞いている訳ではないので要注意【〜しませんか?〜してはどうですか?】

英語には「Why don’t you…?」と同じような意味を持つフレーズもあります。

How about…? (…はどうですか?)

How about taking a walk in the park?

What if…? (…したらどうですか?)

What if we tried the new izakaya?

You might want to… (…した方がいいかもしれません)

You might want to check out that new movie. It’s really good.

Maybe you should… (…した方ががいいかもしれません)

Maybe you should call your parents and let them know.

これらのフレーズは「Why don’t you…?」と同じように提案やアドバイスをするために使うことができます。
Why don’t you…?」の代わりに、最も理解しやすく使いやすいであろう「You should…」を使うのも手でしょう。
You should…」は最も直接的な提案の方法です。
Why don’t you…」はもう少しカジュアルな表現です。


「Why Don’t You…?」に関する私の経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Why don't you ...?」は理由を聞いている訳ではないので要注意【〜しませんか?〜してはどうですか?】

Why don’t you」というフレーズにまつわる経験はたくさんありますが、一つ思い出すのは、数年前に日本に戻ることを決めた時のことです。


両親がそれに賛同して、「Why don’t you come to Oita and live with us for a year while you finish school?(学校を卒業するまでの1年間、大分に来て私たちと一緒に暮らすのはどう?)」と言ったのには驚きました。



このブログが「Why don’t you…?」が英語でどのように使われるかを理解するのに役立てば幸いです。









As an English teacher at Kensington Eikaiwa, I often hear questions about the nuances of English phrases. One common point of confusion is the phrase “Why don’t you…?” In this blog post, we’ll explore the meaning of this phrase, and how to use it correctly. Understanding this casual phrase will help you communicate more naturally in English, especially in business, at school, as well as in your day to day life.

What Does “Why Don’t You…?” Mean?

The phrase “Why don’t you…?” is generally used as a suggestion in English. It is not asking for a reason why you aren’t doing something, but rather gently proposing an idea or action. Think of it as a polite way of offering advice or making a recommendation.

It’s especially confusing as it can’t be directly translated into Japanese. There isn’t anything like it in Japanese because it’s sort of a double negative in the sense that in Japanese it would be like suggesting the following: なぜ、そうしないのですか?

For example, if someone says, “Why don’t you try the new restaurant in Tenjin?” they are suggesting that you should give the new restaurant a try, not asking why you haven’t done it yet.

Example Sentences of “Why Don’t You…?”

To help understand how “Why don’t you…?” is used, here are some example sentences:

  1. 1. “Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight?”
  2. 2. “Why don’t you take a break and relax for a bit?”
  3. 3. “Why don’t you come to the party on Saturday?”
  4. 4. “Why don’t you consider applying for that job?”

In each of these examples, the speaker is making a suggestion or offering advice. Moreover, “Why don’t you” is also often followed by “instead,” or かわりに to suggest an alternate option. For example, if it ends up raining on a day you had planned to go for a walk in Ohori Park, someone might say: “Why don’t you go to the shopping mall, instead?”

Similar Phrases to “Why Don’t You…?”

Other phrases in English have a similar meaning to “Why don’t you…?” Here are a few, along with example sentences:

  1. “How about…?”
    • Example: “How about taking a walk in the park?”
  2. “What if…?”
    • Example: “What if we tried the new izakaya?”
  3. “You might want to…”
    • Example: “You might want to check out that new movie. It’s really good.”
  4. “Maybe you should…”
    • Example: “Maybe you should call your parents and let them know.”

These phrases can be used interchangeably with “Why don’t you…?” to offer suggestions or advice. The easiest to understand and use in place of “why don’t you” is likely “you should…” as  it is the most straightforward way of making a suggestion. “Why don’t you,” is simply a little more on the casual side. 

My Experiences with “Why Don’t You…?”

While I’ve had many experiences with the phrase “Why don’t you,” one that comes to mind has to do with how I decided to move back to Japan a few years ago. As the COVID-19 pandemic caused my senior year of university to be online, I found myself working a part-time job, paying rent, staying indoors, and “going to class” on my laptop at the student house I lived at with 3 other roommates. 

Eventually, as many other students began returning to their hometowns, I too felt that it would make more sense to go back to Japan. Only this time, it wouldn’t be Tokyo, where I lived before. It would be to Oita, where my parents had moved to in 2019. 

I was surprised to hear that my parents were on board with this idea as they asked, “Why don’t you come to Oita and live with us for a year while you finish school?”


I hope this helped you understand how “Why don’t you…?” is used in English. Remember, it’s a casual, friendly, but polite way to make a suggestion. It’s not a question about why something isn’t happening. Feel free to practice using it in your daily conversations and in class at Kensington! 

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa







今日は「梅雨」について話します。英語では通常「Rainy season」と訳されます。
外国人に英語で「梅雨」を説明する際には、もちろん単純に「Rainy Season」と言うことができますが、雨が非常に激しい時には「Japan’s Monsoon season (日本のモンスーン期/雨季)」と呼んでも間違いではありません。








最初に少しずつ強い雨が降り始めるとき、「it’s spitting (雨がパラパラ降っている)」と言うことができます。

It’s lashing it down.

It’s bucketing down.

It’s raining cats and dogs.


A cloudburst

A downpour

A deluge




梅雨の天気は暑くて湿気が多い(hot and humid) ですね。





Sheet lightning

Fork lightning




「とても濡れる(very wet)」を言う方法には次のものがあります。

I’m soaked (to the skin).

I’m drenched.

I’m sodden.

I feel like I jumped into a swimming pool with my clothes on!




1. 日本の方はよく日本の「四季」について話しますが、梅雨は第5の季節でしょうか?
2. 「梅雨」と「梅」はどう関連してるのでしょうか?

Stay dry everyone!







Hello once again; Warren here.
Today, I’m going to talk about 梅雨, or as it’s usually translated into English – Rainy season.

When explaining 梅雨 to foreigners, you can of course, simply choose “Rainy Season”, but sometimes the rain is so heavy that it would not be wrong to call it “Japan’s Monsoon season” as most foreigners will understand that it means very heavy rain. Monsoon season is in South Asia, and most famously affects countries like India and Bangladesh.

Moving on to describing the weather…

When heavy rain first starts little by little, you can say “it’s spitting”.
When it gets really heavy, try – 

It’s lashing it down.
It’s bucketing down
It’s raining cats and dogs.

Sudden, heavy rain can be described as – 

A cloudburst
A downpour
A deluge

Of course, we may also describe the rainy season weather as being hot and humid. Other words for humid are “muggy” and “close”.

Sometimes you get thunder and lightning along with the rain. There are 2 types of lightning – 

Sheet lightning (lights up the whole sky)
Fork lightning (The classic, zig-zag shape of lightning)

If you are unfortunate enough to be caught in a downpour, you may become very wet. Ways to say “very wet” include – 

I’m soaked (to the skin)
I’m drenched
I’m sodden
I feel like I jumped into a swimming pool with my clothes on!

There are just two things left, and they are questions for you.

1. Japanese people often talk of Japan’s “four seasons”, but is 梅雨 a fifth season?
2. What is the connection of plums to 梅雨?

After Rainy season, we get the oppressively hot Japanese summer.

Stay dry everyone!

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa




















【expect + 目的語】
She’s expecting her first baby.

【expect + to不定詞】
At the end of every month, employees expect to be paid their salary.

【expect + that節】
We expected that the hotel would have much better rooms.

【expect + 目的語 + to不定詞】
We expected the hotel to have a restaurant.


expect」は「think (思う)」または「suppose (〜だろうと思う)」という意味でも使われます。

A: Will she have arrived in London by now?
B: I expect so.

A: Will Joe be here at Christmas?
B: I expect so.



I don’t expect she will pass the exam.






【hope + to不定詞】
We hope to see you all next summer.

【hope + that節】
I hope that your Dad recovers quickly from his illness.

【hope + for】
Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.
(最善を望み、最悪に備える。[備えあれば憂いなし] )


❌ I wish we can see each other soon.
⭕️ I hope we can see each other soon.

❌ I wish you enjoy your stay in Brazil.
⭕️ I hope you enjoy your stay in Brazil.






It’s raining. Just wait here while I get the car.

【wait + for】
Martha applied for an internship and she’s waiting for a reply.

【wait + to不定詞】
When the band arrived at the concert hall, screaming fans were waiting to get a snapshot of their favourite member.

【wait + for + 目的語 + to不定詞】
We’re waiting for him to make up his mind and sign the papers.






何かが起こることを予想/期待していることを「wait」または「wait for」を使って表現することはありません。その場合は「expect」を使います。

❌ People usually wait to be treated equally everywhere they go, unfortunately that’s not always the case.
⭕️ People usually expect to be treated equally everywhere they go, unfortunately that’s not always the case.



❌ I look forward to hearing from you soon, and I expect anxiously for a positive answer.
⭕️ I look forward to hearing from you soon, and I wait anxiously for a positive answer.



❌ The dog sat at the entrance and expected patiently for his owner.
⭕️ The dog sat at the entrance and waited patiently for his owner.

❌ Stop expecting for things to happen. Make them happen!
⭕️ Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen!










Expect, hope or wait?

‘Expect’, ‘hope’ and ‘wait’ are often confused or misused by learners of English because in some languages, including Japanese, they are translated as the same. These three verbs refer to future events. However, they do not have exactly the same meaning. Let’s have a close look at them.


1. We use expect to say that we believe that something will happen.
We use expect in the following main patterns:

・expect + object: She’s expecting her first baby.
・expect + to-infinitive: At the end of every month, employees expect to be paid their salary.
・expect + that-clause: We expected that the hotel would have much better rooms.
・expect + object + to-infinitive: We expected the hotel to have a restaurant.

2. Expect also means ‘think’ or ‘suppose’.

A: Will she have arrived in London by now?
B: I expect so.

A: ‘Will Joe be here at Christmas?’
B: I expect so.

3. When we expect that something will not happen or is not true, expect is most commonly used in a negative form:

I don’t expect she will pass the exam. (preferred to I expect she won’t pass …)


1. We use the verb ‘hope’ when we want something to happen or would like something to be true. We use hope in the following patterns:

・hope + to-infinitive: We hope to see you all next summer.
・hope + that clause I hope that your Dad recovers quickly from his illness.
・hope + for: Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

2. We use hope to express good intentions and wishes for the future:

I hope we can see each other soon.
Not: I wish we can see each other soon.

I hope you enjoy your stay in Brazil.
Not: I wish you enjoy your stay in Brazil.


When we ‘wait’, we let a period of time pass until something happens or someone comes.
We use wait in the following main patterns:

・wait (imperative): It’s raining. Just wait here while I get the car.
・wait + for: Martha applied for an internship and she’s waiting for a reply.
・wait + to-infinitive: When the band arrived at the concert hall, screaming fans were waiting to get a snapshot of their favourite member.
・wait + for + object + to-infinitive: We’re waiting for him to make up his mind and sign the papers.

common mistakes

  • ・We don’t use wait or wait for to say that we believe that something will happen. We use expect:
    People usually expect to be treated equally everywhere they go, unfortunately that’s not always the case.
    Not: People usually expect to be treated … 
  • ・We don’t use expect to refer to time passing when we are talking about something that we hope is going to happen:
    I look forward to hearing from you soon, and I wait anxiously for a positive answer
    Not: … and I expect anxiously a positive answer. 
  • ・Don’t confuse expect with wait for. If you are waiting for someone or something, you are remaining in the same place or delaying doing something until they arrive or happen.
    The dog sat at the entrance and waited patiently for his owner.
    Not: …. expected patiently for his owner.
    Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen!
    Not: … Stop expecting for things to happen. Make them happen!


We don’t expect you to master the use of of the three verbs at once but we hope this article to be useful. It’s completely normal to make mistakes while learning, after all practice makes perfect. We can’t wait to see you using these verbs in the classroom!

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