Riri in the mirror

Riri in the mirror

Then something even weirder happened…I saw myself or a girl who sort of looked like me sitting at one of those plastic bathroom stools a few meters away in the mirror! “Hey, I said to the girl, Are you… you me?” She didn’t say anything. She just stared at me and I stared back. We stared at each other for some while. Then the girl in the mirror’s mouth slowly cracked into a smile! I smiled back at her. She then stood up and took a few steps towards the mirror and stopped! I think the girl stopped because she saw me backing away from the mirror getting ready to let out a mother of all screams. Suddenly I realized that the girl really looked just like me, wearing the same bluish pajamas and hair all wild like mine. She’d not combed it yet. “Oh, thank goodness she’s me.” I said to myself. But then…listen to this, the girl in the mirror made a face and stuck her tongue out at me! Bewildered, I walked backwards and slammed the back of my head into the wall behind me! I kept my eyes on the girl in the mirror who’s me and may be not me. She didn’t slam her head into the wall behind her, you know the way girls in the mirror do what you do. She just stood there by the mirror looking straight at me! “God whoever you’re, let this be a dream,” I said and sat down and leaned against the wall to keep my eyes off the mirror. You won’t believe what the girl in the mirror did. She leaned forward looking for me! She found me and stared right at me! “Mama…!” I screamed. The girl in the mirror put her finger on her lips in a shh sh! gesture and disappeared. I rushed out of the bathroom to go wake up mom and tell her what’d just happened in the bathroom mirror, but I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I realized painfully that mom wouldn’t believe or understand my story. She’d either think I’ve completely gone cuckoo or I was making everything up clamoring for undue attention.

weird 奇妙な
stare at …をじっと見る
a mother of all ものすごい、とてつもない(皮肉がこもっている)
realize …に気づく
bewildered うろたえて
lean forward 体を乗り出す
disappear 消える
go cuckoo (俗)頭がおかしくなる
clamor for …を声高に求める(clamor for attention で「注目されたがる、(子供が)構ってもらいたがる」)