
Travel English -Grocery shopping

Hi again, as you may remember from one of my previous blogs I had lots of troubles with the Japanese language when I first came here, but I had just as many trying to do things by myself.

One of the most terrifying experiences was going to the supermarket, I often couldn’t find what I needed and bought the wrong things on many occasions. A lot of cups of coffee being spat out because I filled them up with salt!

I’d like to help you a bit today by showing you the names of some of the aisles where you can find different goods and hopefully this will prevent you from wandering around like a zombie before finally going home with nothing ,to cry into your pillow.

the dairy aisle 乳製品コーナー

the produce aisle 農産物コーナー

the butcher’s counter 肉コーナー

canned goods 缶づめコーナー

frozen foods 冷凍食品

Toiletries 化粧用品、洗面具

condiments 調味料

beverages 飲料

the deli counter デリカテッセンコーナー 惣菜コーナー


We also use some different expression to count certain items so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with some of them.

a loaf of bread パン1山

a bunch of bananas バナナ1房

a tube of toothpaste 歯磨き粉1本

a side of beef 牛の肋肉

half a dozen eggs 卵6個 半ダース

a head of cabbage キャベツ1玉

a bag of  potatoes  ジャガイモ1袋

a dozen eggs 卵1ダース

a jar of jam ジャム1瓶

a bottle of wine ワインボトル1本

a box of cereal シリアル1箱

a tube of toothpaste 歯磨き粉1本

I hope that you have more success on your first trip to the supermarket than I did!







the dairy aisle 乳製品コーナー

the produce aisle 農産物コーナー

the butcher’s counter 肉コーナー

canned goods 缶づめコーナー

frozen foods 冷凍食品

Toiletries 化粧用品、洗面具

condiments 調味料

beverages 飲料

the deli counter デリカテッセンコーナー 惣菜コーナー



a loaf of bread パン1山

a bunch of bananas バナナ1房

a tube of toothpaste 歯磨き粉1本

a side of beef 牛の肋肉

half a dozen eggs 卵6個 半ダース

a head of cabbage キャベツ1玉

a bag of  potatoes  ジャガイモ1袋

a dozen eggs 卵1ダース

a jar of jam ジャム1瓶

a bottle of wine ワインボトル1本

a box of cereal シリアル1箱

a tube of toothpaste 歯磨き粉1本














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