月別アーカイブ: 2020年8月


Don’t take breaks from school

Hello everyone,

I think this is a very common sense way to make sure that you improve your English but it’s still worth stating. Today I taught one of my students that joined in February. When I met her in February for the first time she couldn’t construct even one single sentence in English. The only thing she could say is her name.

Fast forward 6 months and she can talk about what she did last week, she can talk about her travelling experiences, her hobbies, what she usually does in her free time, she can ask a variety of questions when meeting a new person and she can use a variety of grammar at a pretty good level. Her progress in only 6 months has been so impressive and it’s a result of her hard work preparing well for each of our classes. I’m really so proud of her!

Unfortunately she got busy recently and decided to take a break for 3 months from September. Honestly, I understand that things do get busy sometimes and life gets complicated (did anyone expect this year to be like this?) but it’s really important to continue doing things. The best and highest probability way that you get good at something is to continue doing it for a long time, busy or not, try to take your classes, try to make a little time for study.

Of course the more you study the better, but please remember that even a little time of study is better than zero.

Please keep that in mind and
See you in class!









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Hello everyone,

Since our subject for this week is education, do you know how to say Juku in English? We say cram schools and it’s something that is not so popular in my country, Greece. I know that in Japan many children go to cram school from a very young age, whereas in my country (Greece) students usually only go to language schools when they are very young.

An interesting piece of information is that I only went to cram school during the summer of 1993 (between my 2nd and 3rd grade of high school) cause I had failed two subjects. The subjects I had failed were Math and Cosmography.

I was terrible at Cosmography and I deserved to fail it and I also wasn’t all that good in math but I think I didn’t deserve to fail math. I studied very hard for my final test and I did very well but I still believe my math teacher graded me very unfairly. I remember he once came to our class drunk! He wasn’t a very good teacher I think.

See you in class!




今週のレッスントピックは「教育」ですから、ここで質問です。英語で「塾」を何というかご存知でしょうか。それは “cram school”「詰め込み学校」というのですが、私の国ギリシャではそれほどみんなに広がっているものというわけではありません。日本では多くの子どもたちがとても幼いうちから塾に通っていることは知っていますが、私の国(ギリシャ)では生徒たちはごく小さいうちはふつう外国語スクールに通うくらいです。





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濃い?薄い? 味わいの強弱を表す英語はこれ!

食べ物について話そう! strong or light flavour

Hello there everyone,

These two are things that my students seem to have a little trouble with when describing how something tastes. We use strong/ light flavour to describe the level of taste in something.


Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish eaten with any meal. It usually consists of tofu and vegetables and has a light flavour.

Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made from sheep’s innards and seasoning. It has a very distinct, strong flavour and is not to everyone’s liking.

Hope that comes in handy.


濃い?薄い? 味わいの強弱を表す英語にはこれをどうぞ。

この2つは私の生徒さんたちが味を表現するときにちょっと苦労しているみたいですね。英語で私たちは味の強弱を言うときに、 “strong/ light flavour”「強い/軽い味」という表現を使います。




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日常英会話レッスン -Japanese English learner’s common misakes “ today’s morning”

Hello there everyone,

While I’ve been teaching the “At the doctor’s” lessons this month I’ve noticed a mistake that a lot of people seem to make. In Japanese you use の when you are giving dates for example 25日の朝. Most of my students have been directly translating this as the 25th’s morning which is understandable but a little uncomfortable to a native speaker’s ear.

Correct Version
on the morning of the 25th/ in the morning on the 25th
In context
“I’d like to make an appointment for the morning of the 25th.”

Other Mistakes
today’s morning/ yesterday’s night X
Correct Version
this morning/ last night O

Hope that comes in handy.




今月、「病院で」というトピックでレッスンをしているときに、ある間違いをたくさんの人がしているのに気づきました。日本語では「の」を日付を言うときに使いますよね。例えば「25日の朝」みたいに。ですから、私の生徒さんたちのほとんどがこれを直訳して “the 25th’s morning” と言っていたのはよく分かる気がしますが、英語ネイティブの耳にはすこし聞きづらい感じがします。

on the morning of the 25th/ in the morning on the 25th「25日の朝に」
“I’d like to make an appointment for the morning of the 25th.”「25日の朝に予約をしたいのですが。」

誤: today’s morning「今日の朝、今朝」/ yesterday’s night「昨日の夜、昨夜」
正: this morning「今日の朝、今朝」/ last night O「昨日の夜、昨夜」


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