


Is everything hunky-dory? (全てうまくいっていますか?)



「everything is hunky-dory」の意味と由来


everything is hunky-dory」は、非公式な表現で、物事がとてもよく進んでいる、または完全に問題ないことを意味します。





Despite some difficulties at the beginning of the trip, the vacation turned out to be hunky-dory, and we had a fantastic time in Malta.

I was worried about the interview, but it went hunky-dory, and I got the job.


Hey Kimberly, how was the camping trip last weekend?

Oh, it was fantastic, Yumi! We had great weather, and everything was hunky-dory.


「everything is hunky-dory」と似ている言葉


「everything is hunky-dory」に似た言葉や表現は多くあります。

going swimmingly「快調」

The party is going swimmingly; everyone is having a great time.

in good shape「好調、体が強い」

Our finances are in good shape. We can hire another receptionist if necessary.

all is well「万事順調」

Don’t worry, all is well with the plan.


私の「everything is hunky-dory」

私の「everything is hunky-dory」な経験を言うとしたら、そうですね、娘が今年初めに大阪で仕事のために引っ越した時、私は心配していましたが、これまでのところ「everything is hunky-dory」(全てうまくいってる) です。



「everything is hunky-dory」とは、物事が順調または満足のいくように進んでいるとカジュアルに言う方法です。心配する必要はありません。








Everything is “hunky-dory”

Hello there, how are you? Is everything hunky-dory?
Hunky-dory? What’s that?
It’s an old American slang or informal expression whose meaning and usage I’m explaining in the next few paragraphs.

 Meaning and origin of “everything is hunky-dory” 

Everything is hunky-dory is an informal expression which means that  things are going very well or are perfectly fine. It’s a way of expressing satisfaction with how things are going.
Some people think that “hunky-dory” probably means  “Honcho dori” is a Main street in Yokohama city, Japan where western sailors,especially the American navy officers,  used to have a good time during their time off in the past.
While others say that it may have originated from American slang in the 19th century. “Hunky” was used to mean “pleasant” or “fine,” and “dory” referred to a type of small fishing boat. Over time, these two words may have been combined to create “hunky-dory.”

Usage Examples:

 Despite some difficulties at the beginning of the trip, the vacation turned out to be hunky-dory, and we had a fantastic time in Malta.

I was worried about the interview, but it went hunky-dory, and I got the job.

In a dialogue:

Yumi: Hey Kimberly, how was the camping trip last weekend?

Kimberly: Oh, it was fantastic, Yumi! We had great weather, and everything was hunky-dory.

 Words similar to “everything is hunky-dory” 

Among the many similar words or expressions to hunky-dory are:
 “ Going swimmingly”  The party is going swimmingly; everyone is having a great time.
“In good shape”     Our finances are in good shape. We can hire another receptionist if necessary.
“All is well” Don’t worry, all is well with the plan.

Any personal experiences with “everything hunky-dory”?

Well, I was worried when my daughter moved to Osaka for work earlier this year, but everything seems to be hunky-dory so far. 

All in all, hunky-dory is an informal way to say that things are going alright or satisfactorily. No need to worry.
It should be noted however that this expression is very informal, so it should be avoided in formal situations.

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