
Tim’s Blog – Valentine’s Day


As most of you already know, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in quite a unique way in Japan. Unlike other countries where most usually men buy chocolate or flowers to women they are attracted to, in Japan women have to buy to do the buying for the men regardless of whether they are actually attracted to them or not. I thought that was pretty odd when I first came to Japan, but I like chocolate so I am quite thankful to receive it every year.

Valentine’s day and love is going to be the very appropriate subject of my classes in Yakuin on Feb 12th and Feb 13th and in Akasaka on Feb 13th and 14th, so we’ll have a chance to talk about it more in depth.

Today I’d like to talk about different ways to say that you like something.

1) I love doing something. This means that I like something very much.
ex. I love running.
I love 〜. を使うと、「〜が大好きだ」という意味になります。
例. 走るのが大好きです。
2) I’m into something. This means I’m interested in something.
ex. I’m really into Jazz.
I’m into 〜. を使うと、「〜に興味がある」という意味になります。
例.  ジャズにとてもはまっています。
3) I’m keen on something.
ex. I’m really keen on Christmas.
I’m keen on 〜. 「〜に熱中している」
例. クリスマスに本当にのぼせています。4) I’m fond of something.
ex. I’m really fond of Jane, she’s such a kind person.
I’m fond of 〜. 「〜を愛好する」
例. ジェーンが非常に好きです。全く優しい人なので。

5) Something is to my liking. (a little formal)
ex. The food and service were to my liking.
〜 is to my liking. 「〜を気に入っています」(やや硬い言い方)
例. 食事とサービスが気に入りました。

6) I’m crazy about something.
ex. He’s crazy about snowboarding, he talks about it every single day.
I’m crazy about 〜. 「〜に夢中である、惚れている」
例. 彼、スノボに狂ってて、毎日いちいちその話が出るのよ。

7) I’m addicted to something.
ex. I’m addicted to good coffee, I drink more than 5 cups a day.
I’m addicted to 〜. 「〜に中毒している、夢中である」
例. うまいコーヒーに病みつきで、1日に5杯よりもっと飲んでるんだ。

8) I fancy something/someone. (British)
ex. I really fancy Jessica Alba, she’s gorgeous
I fancy 〜.「〜が気に入っている」(イギリス英語)
例. ジェシカ・アルバ、マジ好きだぜ、超美人だし。

See you on Valentine’s Day!
