タグ別アーカイブ: #英語の歴史

私の出身地、私自身~講師の自己紹介- 英語の歴史

Talk about myself/my hometown/my country

Hello guys!

I’d like to tell you a bit more about English history, and the role of French in our modern language. England and France have had a tumultuous relationship throughout history, some periods in history have seen French kings control England, and vice versa. The first time this happened, almost a millennium ago, it sparked a huge change in the English language. So much so that we have a name for the English at that time: ‘Middle English’. As modern speakers, we wouldn’t be able to understand most of it, as it was so different.

Not only is this – hopefully – interesting, it also helps to explain why English can seem so odd now. Things like why do we say ‘dogs’ with an ‘s’ but ‘fish’ without? Well, in these big moments in History there is a lot of change to the native language. Some words stay the same, some change, and some are newly introduced. It’s estimated that anywhere between 20-30% of English is borrowed from French, and there’s probably more ‘French’ words in use than ‘Old English’ words!

So if you’re confused about English, do what we do and blame the French! I’m kidding, of course. France, like many other places, has helped shape the language we speak today, and I think it’s all the better for it.









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