月別アーカイブ: 2015年5月


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Park Yoga in Ohori Park


6/5 金曜日 7:30 – 8:30am

大濠公園 スターバックス横道を上がった広場

ヨガマット持参 (レンタルマットがありますのでご連絡ください¥100)



※ケンジントンヨガの仲間は 1 レッスン分として、もしくは追加分としてどちらでもOK!


太陽に向かってSuryanamaskaraA & B(太陽礼拝A & B)、そのほか代表的なヨガアサナ(ポーズ)を呼吸とともに取りましょう。自然の下でするヨガは、最高の気持ち良さを味わえますよ。大地を、空を、雲を、太陽を、風を、、身体も心も開いて細胞で感じましょう!





Yoga is for everyone.


Kensington Yoga






Briefing: clean, simple and British

Based on the briefing, the front page was page on the poster “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster.

The poster was produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for the Second World War to raise the morale of the British public.




More details:








The layout of the back page was based on the British flag shape.

The pictures of the school students, staff and classroom on the top, and the address at the bottom (taking advantage of the “T” shape of the flag in resemblance with the Japanese postal code “〒”)

In the middle, as if the horizontal stripe opens up, the location of the school is revealed. It is “sandwiched” to convey the best part of a sandwich, the filling of a pie.

And the last but not least, Sherlock Holmes: “Elementary, my dears!”






(注:”Elementary, my dear Watson.”「初歩的なことだよ、ワトソン君。」は、映画作品中の名探偵ホームズが、助手のワトソンに掛ける言葉として有名)

About me

English Teacher, Graphic designer and a passionate illustrator. I love the challenge of turning words into images and I’m currently studying sumi painting (水墨画)

Oscar Wilde once wrote:” Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.”  So, to know me in details, please check: https://tamiyohashimoto.wordpress.com/







Tim’s blog – One year anniversary


Hello everyone, as you may know this month marks the one year anniversary since we first opened the school. This is a very good opportunity for me to share with you a little of our corporate culture.


1) Student First – Pursuit of Excellence

   生徒様第一主義 - 良質さの追求

From the day of our school inception the Kensington team has always tried to put first and above all the needs of our students. We want to create the perfect school for you starting of course from the lessons themselves and extending to our school location, atmosphere, services and support. Said perfection is naturally unattainable as there will always be some room for improvement and as such, as we speak, we have many on-going projects to make sure we improve your overall experience even further. We believe that the only way for our school to grow is to always focus on our students’ needs and constantly remain in a continual pursuit of excellence in every aspect of our business. This leads to our second defining characteristic which is:


2) Zero Complacency – We Think Different

   自己満足との決別 — 既成の概念を越える

We should never be satisfied with what we do and how we do it. There is always something we can improve upon and some way we can make our classes and services better to improve your overall experience. Innovation is not always coming up with fancy products but also looking at what everyone else is seeing and seeing something different. We expect every member of our team to share this way of thinking and to always strive to improve so we can offer you the best service possible. Every Kensington team member should share that “get up and go” motor in addition to being a little crazy enough to believe that we can change the world. I wholeheartedly believe we can.


3) Equal Opportunities – Zero Discrimination

   機会均等 — 差別を許さず

This is something very very important for me. We will never make any hiring decision based on anything other than our prospective teachers’ or staff members’ skill and willingness for hard work. We will never discriminate against a teacher or a staff member because of his or her sex/age/religion/race/nationality or sexual orientation. I’d personally rather shut down the school that join all the other schools advertising for only “Native” teachers. It is racist, discriminatory and it is 100% plain wrong. Of course we employ and will continue employing native teachers but we are not only looking for “Native” teachers, we are always looking for “GREAT” teachers and as long as they can speak English at a native level, are friendly and professional and are willing to put in the hard work for you; we do not care the least how they look and where they are from.


We are an equal opportunity school, will always remain so and will try our hardest to change the prevailing English industry perceptions.


4) Thankful to you


Finally I’d like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you for choosing our school,

I  always look forward to meeting and teaching you; I’m absolutely thrilled to be part of Kensington and I can’t wait to see what we can together achieve in the future.


Thank you






Jaimie’s Blog – One Year Anniversary


 It’s been a year since Kensington first opened its doors!


A big thanks to all of our team members for all their hard work and dedication, and our teachers for their excellent, well prepared lessons, but most of all thank you to our students because, ,without you we wouldn’t be here.


It took a lot of time, blood, sweat, and tears, (not to mention a few beers) to plan out the school’s system and come up with ideas for the website but after about 6 months or so of meetings it was finally time to open.


Our first location was far from perfect and for those of you who stuck with us through last summer in that tiny sweltering room, once again, thank you. I also have to admit that during the first trial lessons I was probably the most nervous person in the room, but we have moved on now and I have managed to get my nerves under control.


It’s a real pleasure to go to work in Akasaka, I’ve had plenty of teaching jobs in Fukuoka and I’ve enjoyed most of them but I look forward to going to work at Kensington and I think anyone who can say that is a lucky person indeed.


It’s our first year, and just like anything that you are doing for the first time it won’t always go smoothly, but through a lot of perseverance and huge amount of effort from our team members we are doing better and better. I think that can be said for our students too, I see a lot of effort being put into your studies and it’s producing results which I have to say I feel very proud of.So let’s stick at it together who knows how far we can go!


Thanks for this year and good luck for the next one.


