月別アーカイブ: 2023年5月

「monkey see, monkey do」ってどういう意味?【例文付き】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「monkey see, monkey do」ってどういう意味?【例文付き】

「monkey see, monkey do」というフレーズは、結果を考慮せずに他人の行動を真似する人間の傾向を表す時によく使われる慣用句です。


「monkey see, monkey do」の使い方と例文

「monkey see, monkey do」は、他人の悪い行動を真似ることを警戒するためだけでなく、良い例に倣うように人々を促すためにも使われる便利な表現です。

ただし、「monkey (猿)」という言葉を使って人を指す場合には、攻撃的で不適切な解釈をされる可能性があるため、このフレーズを使用する際には気をつけて、特にあまり親しくない人を指す場合には使用を避けた方が良いです。

As an English teacher for kids it’s important to always set a good example for my students. Monkey see, monkey do.
(子ども向けの英語講師として、常に生徒に良い手本を示すことが重要です。「Monkey see, monkey do」ですからね。[見た通りに真似をしますからね。])

When I first came to Fukuoka I didn’t understand why everyone was so quiet on trains. Now I’m quiet every time I ride the Nishitetsu line. Monkey see, monkey do I guess.
(福岡に初めて来た時、なぜみんな電車で静かなのか理解できませんでした。今では西鉄に乗るたびに私も静かになります。「Monkey see, monkey do」ですね。[見た通りに真似をするものですね。])

My boss always encourages us to follow the good examples set by our coworkers. Monkey see, monkey do, right?
(上司は常に私たちに、同僚が示す良い手本に倣うように励ましてくれます。「Monkey see, monkey do」ですね。[見た通りに真似をするものですよね。])


「monkey see, monkey do」の使用頻度

「monkey see, monkey do」というフレーズは、下記のGoogle Books Ngram Viewerを見て分かるように、英語で古くからよく使われているな慣用句であり、今でも人気があります。

Google Books Ngram Viewer: monkey see monkey do







The phrase “monkey see, monkey do” is a common idiom that describes the human tendency to imitate the behavior of others, often without considering the consequences. It suggests that people may mimic the behaviors and attitudes of others, similar to how monkeys in a group tend to copy one another’s actions without much thought or consideration.

Usage and examples:

“Monkey see, monkey do” is a useful expression in English that can be used both to caution against following the bad examples of others but also to encourage people to follow good examples. For example, parents may use the expression to warn their children not to imitate bad behaviors they may see in others, or employers may use the expression to caution their employees against copying unsafe or unproductive behaviors from their colleagues.

It’s important to note, however, that the use of the word “monkey” in the idiom can be seen as offensive or inappropriate when used to refer to a person and it’s best to be cautious and sensitive when using the phrase, and to avoid using it to refer to people you aren’t particularly close to. 

Here are some examples of the expression in use:

  • “As an English teacher for kids it’s important to always set a good example for my students. Monkey see, monkey do. “
  • “When I first came to Fukuoka I didn’t understand why everyone was so quiet on trains. Now I’m quiet every time I ride the Nishitetsu line. Monkey see, monkey do I guess.”
  • “My boss always encourages us to follow the good examples set by our coworkers. Monkey see, monkey do, right?”

Usage through time:

The phrase “monkey see, monkey do” has been a common idiom in English for many years, and it remains popular today as you can see here. Its usage has increased over time, and it is still a useful reminder of the power of imitation in human behavior. However, it’s important to use the phrase sensitively and avoid using it to refer to people you don’t know well.

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How was your weekend?

I spent at home.

What are you doing at new year?

I’m going to spend with my family.


I spent last weekend at home.
I’m spending new year with my family.

上記の文では、「last weekend」と「new year」という「時」を表す語句が含まれています。


最初の2つの質問に適切に答えるには、「last weekend」と「new year」を代名詞に置き換えます。

How was your weekend?
I spent it at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’m going to spend it with my family.




I spent a really nice time at John’s house last weekend
I spent a fantastic 2 weeks in France last year and I’d love to go again.






Aさん:How was your weekend? (週末はいかがでしたか?)
Bさん:Not bad, just stayed at home. (まあまあです。家にいただけでした。)
Aさん:What are you doing at new year? (新年は何をしますか?)
Bさん:I’ll probably be with my family back in my hometown. (たぶん、故郷の家族と一緒に過ごすと思います。)








Hello again everyone!
During my lengthy teaching career in Japan I have built up a store of often minor errors that Japanese English speakers tend to make. These are usually connected to direct translations from Japanese, things taught in English classes in schools, or like today’s, little grammatical differences between the two languages. Luckily they are usually easily fixed (don’t hold me to that please) with a decent explanation. One of the things I always tell my students to do is to try to be aware of these kinds of phrases when they speak (kind of like having an alarm bell in your head) and to be careful to use them properly until it becomes second nature.

Today we will talk about the word “spend”. The main difference with the use of this verb in Japanese and English is that in Japanese you don’t need to add a time phrase with it but in English we always do. Here are some examples of what I often hear in class.

How was your weekend?
I spent at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’m going to spend with my family.

In English you really need a time phrase after the word “spend” so these would be more appropriate answers.

I spent last weekend at home.
I’m spending new year with my family.

In these sentences the times last weekend and new year are understood. The verb spend is always used in this way when relating to time in English. A good way to answer the first 2 questions is to replace weekend and new year with a pronoun.
Like this…

How was your weekend?
I spent it at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’m going to spend it with my family.

You can also use an adjective in front of the time phrase to describe what the event was like.

I spent a really nice time at John’s house last weekend.
I spent a fantastic 2 weeks in France last year and I’d love to go again.

Finally, please remember though that we don’t really use the verb quite as much as you do in Japanese though so try and mix it up a bit.
These answers are perfectly okay….

How was your weekend?
Not bad, just stayed at home.
What are you doing at new year?
I’ll probably be with my family back in my hometown.

Hope that comes in handy.

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「bring something to the table」の意味とは? 【例文付きで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Bring something to the table

ビジネスシーンでよく使われる「bring something to the table」ですが、どういう意味かご存知ですか?






「bring something to the table」の意味

「bring something to the table」は、ビジネス活動、仕事、プロジェクト、ディスカッション、交渉、その他の取り組みに、役立つものや利益をもたらすもの(例えば、スキル、アイデア、リソース、経験など)を持ち込むことを意味するイディオムです。


「bring something to the table」の起源



「bring something to the table」の例文



You were right to hire Jesica Watanabe, Jin. She has brought a lot of experience, some important sales skills and a positive attitude to the table.

He always brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the table when we work on a new project.

「bring something to the table」は、仕事やプライベートでの取り組みなどへの貢献の価値や利益を強調するのに便利な表現です。


[原文:English version]

Bring something to the table

What does this expression (often used in business situations) mean and how is it used? Please read on…


To bring something to the table is an idiom that means to bring something of use or benefit, for example skills, ideas, resources, experience etc, to a business activity, job, project, discussion, a negotiation  and other undertakings.


The origins of the idiom is not clear but it’s thought to have originated in the business and finance world where it’s common to gather around a table to exchange and discuss ideas. It  likely started as a metaphor for bringing something valuable to a meeting or negotiation. 

Usage and Examples

Today the idiom is used in many situations beyond business and finance. It has become a flexible expression used in any situation where someone offers or contributes something valuable. A new baseball team recruit may teach some new  tricks to his new team. A chef’s assistant may add new ingredients to a popular dish that makes it even tastier.


You were right to hire Jesica Watanabe, Jin. She has brought  a lot of experience, some important  sales skills and a positive attitude to the table.

Example 2

He always brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the table when we work on a new project.

To sum up, ‘bring something to the table’ is a useful expression you can use to highlight or emphasize the value or benefit of someone’s contributions to a professional or personal project.

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生徒様、講師・スタッフのみなさん – 私たちと共に歩んでくれてありがとうございます。



[English version]

Nine years ago, we embarked on a journey to help Japanese students achieve their dreams of mastering the English language. Today, we celebrate the 9th anniversary of our English school in Fukuoka, and we are filled with pride and gratitude for all that we have accomplished together.

Over the past nine years, we have had the privilege of teaching students from all walks of life. We have witnessed the growth and development of our students, and we have been humbled by their motivation and eagerness to learn and communicate in English.

We are grateful for our dedicated team of teachers and staff who have made and continue making this journey possible. Their hard work, passion, and expertise have been instrumental in shaping our school and helping our students achieve success.

As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to the future with excitement and optimism. We are committed to providing the best possible English education to our students, and we will continue to innovate and evolve to meet their needs.

To our students, teachers, and staff – thank you for being a part of our journey. We are honored to have you as a part of our English school family, and we look forward to many more years of learning and growth together. Happy 9th anniversary to all of us in Kensington!

Tim, Jaimie and everyone in Kensington

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How to say “Motsunabe” in English

It’s a fairly common question among learners of English to wonder how one could say “Motsunabe” in English, or rather how to even explain it, as it’s a fairly popular dish in Japan that isn’t really world renowned like sushi, tempura and so on. This blog post will hopefully help you explain what motsunabe is, how you could explain it and some of the ingredients, too.

What’s IN motsunabe?

Let’s first start with how we could say it in English – motsunabe is a type of “nabemono”, which is basically boiled food in a pot. In other words, it’s boiled meat and veggies in a hot pot, or more simply, a hot pot!

The ingredients usually consist of various vegetables, particularly garlic chives and cabbage; and either beef or pork. Sometimes, other offal is used (offal is meat or organs from animals), such as chicken and so on.

While the dish is being cooked, the meat and some soup are usually added in plus extra flavorings. It’s common to use garlic, soy sauce and chili peppers to add flavor to the dish.

So motsunabe is a hot pot?

Yes, basically. A hot pot refers to food boiled in a pot with liquid, so it’s a very easy way to explain what it is, but of course you need to add variables such as what ingredients are used. An example situation to explain to someone is:

“What’s motsunabe?”
“It’s a hot pot or boiled food in a pot of water. We add meats like beef or pork in it with soup, and lots of different vegetables that we like. We also put spices in like garlic, soy sauce, chili peppers and miso.”

Where does motsunabe come from?

Finally, you can also explain to people asking about motsunabe where it comes from.

Motsunabe originally comes from Fukuoka prefecture. It eventually made its way to Tokyo through some restaurants in the 1990s, and then through mass media became popular across the country.

It’s not super popular around the country anymore, but it’s still consumed frequently in Fukuoka.

Hopefully with this information, you can explain to people in English what motsunabe is!








Motsunabe is a type of “nabemono”, which is basically boiled food in a pot. In other words, it’s boiled meat and veggies in a hot pot, or more simply, a hot pot!
(もつ鍋は、「Nabemono (鍋もの)」という料理の一種で、基本的には鍋で煮た食べ物です。
つまり、鍋の中で煮た肉や野菜、もしくは単純に「hot pot」です!)

The ingredients usually consist of various vegetables, particularly garlic chives and cabbage; and either beef or pork. Sometimes, other offal is used (offal is meat or organs from animals), such as chicken and so on.

While the dish is being cooked, the meat and some soup are usually added in plus extra flavorings. It’s common to use garlic, soy sauce and chili peppers to add flavor to the dish.


もつ鍋は「hot pot」?

はい、基本的には「hot pot」と言えます。
「hot pot」とは、鍋の中で液体で煮た食べ物を指すので、それが何であるかを説明する非常に簡単な方法です。


What’s motsunabe?

It’s a hot pot or boiled food in a pot of water. We add meats like beef or pork in it with soup, and lots of different vegetables that we like. We also put spices in like garlic, soy sauce, chili peppers and miso.
(それは「hot pot」または鍋の中で煮た食べ物です。スープと一緒に牛肉や豚肉などのお肉を入れ、好きな野菜をたくさん入れます。味付けにニンニク、醤油、唐辛子、味噌なども入れます。)





Motsunabe originally comes from Fukuoka prefecture.

It eventually made its way to Tokyo through some restaurants in the 1990s, and then through mass media became popular across the country.

It’s not super popular around the country anymore, but it’s still consumed frequently in Fukuoka.


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例えば、「a plant is growing taller (植物の背が高くなっている)」とか、「a child is growing up (子どもが成長している)」などと言うことができます。



例えば、「you’re raising a child (あなたは子どもを育てている)」とか、「a farmer is raising crops (農家が作物を育てている)」と言うことができます。




Growing children can be hard, it takes a lot of patience.

Raising children can be hard, it takes a lot of patience.






The flowers in my garden are growing taller every day.

I want to grow my own vegetables in my backyard.

The kids are growing so quickly! Every time I see them they seem to be getting bigger.

Kids nowadays grow up so quickly, my six year old niece can already use an i phone better than me.

Our Kids school in HiraoJosui is growing so quickly. It’s already almost full!


The farmer has to raise his livestock carefully to ensure they are healthy and productive.

Fukuoka is a safe and convenient city, I think it’s a great place to raise a family.

My parents raised me to be independent and responsible.

The farmer is raising a new crop of tomatoes this year.





[English version]


“Grow” and “raise” are two English verbs that can be easily confused by Japanese learners of English. While they may seem interchangeable, they actually have slightly different meanings. They may also cause hilarity when used incorrectly.

Meaning of Grow

“Grow” generally refers to the natural process of something increasing in size or developing over time. It’s often used in relation to plants, animals, or people, and it implies a gradual change or progression. For example, you might say that a plant is growing taller or that a child is growing up.

Meaning of Raise

“Raise,” on the other hand, generally refers to the act of taking care of or nurturing something or someone. It’s often used in relation to children, animals, or crops, and it implies a more active role in promoting growth or development. For example, you might say that you’re raising a child or that a farmer is raising crops.

Grow Children or Raise Children?

Keeping the meaning of the two words above in mind I think it’s obvious that we don’t grow children.

Wrong Usage: Growing children can be hard, it takes a lot of patience.
Correct Usage: Raising children can be hard, it takes a lot of patience.

The former sentence gives an English speaker a strange mental image, perhaps of children standing in a pot being watered by their parents. It’s funny but incorrect


Here are some examples of how to use “grow” and “raise” correctly:

Examples with Grow

Ex 1: The flowers in my garden are growing taller every day.
Ex 2: I want to grow my own vegetables in my backyard.
Ex. 3: The kids are growing so quickly! Every time I see them they seem to be getting bigger.
Ex. 4: Kids nowadays grow up so quickly, my six year old niece can already use an i phone better than me.
Ex. 5: Our Kids school in HiraoJosui is growing so quickly. It’s already almost full!

Examples with Raise

Ex.1: The farmer has to raise his livestock carefully to ensure they are healthy and productive.
Ex.2: Fukuoka is a safe and convenient city, I think it’s a great place to raise a family.
Ex 3: My parents raised me to be independent and responsible.
Ex 4: The farmer is raising a new crop of tomatoes this year.

Overall, while “grow” and “raise” may seem similar, they actually have distinct meanings and usage. By understanding their differences, Japanese learners of English can communicate more effectively and avoid common mistakes.

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