「私の好きな食べ物は…」を英語で言う方法【food I like】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like


今日は、日常生活でよく使われるフレーズ、会話で頻繁に出てくる「私の好きな食べ物 (food I like)」について深く掘り下げていきます。







これは、特に初級レベルの生徒さんが間違えることが多いのですが、「好きな食べ物」を直訳して「like food」と言うことがあります。
例えば「I like food is curry」と言うことがあります。

これは英語では間違っていて、「好きな食べ物」は英語では「food I like」や「my favourite foods」となります。

「food I like」と「my favourite foods」の意味はわずかに異なりますが、どちらも「好きな食べ物」を表すのに使うことができるので、頭に入れておいてください。


「food I like」と「my favourite foods」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like

「food I like」と「my favourite foods」を自然に使用した例文をご紹介します。

My favourite food in Fukuoka is motsunabe. It’s delicious!

One of my favourite foods in Japan is tempura. It goes well with beer!

A food I like to eat in the morning is yesterday’s pizza paired with some coffee.

What are some foods you like?


「favorite food」と「food I like」の違いと例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like



My favourite city in Japan is Fukuoka.



One of my favourite foods is pizza.


food I like」の使い方は、特に英語初心者の生徒さんには少し難しいでしょう。


Pizza is a food I like.

多くの人は上記の言い方の代わりに単に「I like pizza」と言うかと思います。




ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like




「私の好きな食べ物」を英語で簡単に表現する方法は「My favorite food」です。
例えば、favourite song(お気に入りの歌)、favourite day(お気に入りの日)、favourite drink(お気に入りの飲み物)、あるいはfavourite English school (お気に入りの英語学校)など。







Hello there,Enlglish language enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to be diving into a common phrase used in daily life, one that often pops up in conversations about personal preferences: “私の好きな食べ物” in Japanese. We’ll explore how to express this phrase in English, its relevance in various situations, and why mastering it is essential for effective communication.

How to Say “私の好きな食べ物” in English

This is something many of my students get wrong especially in lower levels. They sometimes translate 好き な 食べ物 directly from Japanese as “like food”. For example, they would say “I like food is curry”.

That is of course wrong in English. In English 好き な 食べ物 is “ food I like” or “my favourite foods”. Please keep in mind that the meaning of “my favourite foods” and “ food I like” is slightly different but both can be used to translate 好き な 食べ物.

Example Sentences

Here are some natural example sentences using both expressions above.

  1. My favourite food in Fukuoka is motsunabe. It’s delicious!
  2. One of my favourite foods in Japan is tempura. It goes well with beer!
  3. A food I like to eat in the morning is yesterday’s pizza paired with some coffee. 
  4. What are some foods you like?

Difference between “favorite food” and “food I like,” and Some Example Sentences

When we use the word “favourite” we mean that it’s something that we like best. 

Ex. My favourite city in Japan is Fukuoka. 

In the above example we don’t only convey that we like Fukuoka but we also convey that we like it more than any other city we know of in Japan. 

Another example would be

Ex. One of my favourite foods is pizza. 

In the above example we convey that we have some different foods we like best and one of them is pizza.

The use of “food I like” is a little bit harder especially for beginner students, and the meaning slightly differs from “favourite”. 

Ex. Pizza is a food I like. 

In the above example we don’t know if pizza is one of the speaker’s favourite foods. We just know that they like it. I need to say that the above sentence wouldn’t be very common. I think most people would just instead say “I like pizza”. 

My Family’s Favorite Food

I think with the exception of my son, the rest of my family are foodies and there are many foods we like. I think my family’s favourite food is probably lasagna. My wife cooks it very nicely and all of us are very glad when it’s on the menu! 


There you have it, the easiest way to express “私の好きな食べ物” in English is “My favorite food.” Of course using the same grammar you could talk about any other thing you like best. Ex. Your favourite song, your favourite day, your favourite drink or even your favourite English school which I hope is ours!

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