月別アーカイブ: 2023年10月

【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?



この季節にふさわしく、このブログでは「Come back to haunt you」というイディオムの意味、成り立ち、そして使い方を見ていきたいと思います。


「Come back to haunt you」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?

Come back to haunt you」というイディオムは、過去にした行動、決断、または過ちが再浮上し、後に問題や後悔を引き起こす可能性があることを意味しています。



「Come back to haunt you」の成り立ち

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?



「Come back to haunt you」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?



Be careful what you say about your boss; it might come back to haunt you in the future.

Skipping classes now may seem fun, but it could come back to haunt you when you’re trying to graduate.

Investing in that risky business venture might come back to haunt you if it fails.


「Come back to haunt you」に似た表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?

「Come back to haunt you」と似ている表現はたくさんあります。

Reap what you sow


Tom cheated on his exams throughout high school, and now he’s failing all his college courses. He’s just reaping what he sowed.

Dig your own grave


By refusing to apologize for his rude comments, John dug his own grave and lost many friends in the process.








幽霊、ゴブリン、そしてハロウィンに関連する生き物が毎年10月31日に「haunt (出没)」するように、過去に行われた悪い行動、過ち、または決定が、現在または将来、私たちに問題やトラブルを引き起こすかもしれません。







“Come back to haunt you” 

Hello there, I’m glad you’ve stopped by.
It’s that time of the year when we think of spirits, ghosts and other spooky things that come to “haunt” us.
In the spirit of the season, we’ll be looking at the meaning, origin and usage of the idiom, “Come back to haunt you”.  


The idiom “come back to haunt you” means that an action, a decision or mistake you made in the past, can resurface and cause problems or regrets later on for you, just like a ghost or spirit haunting your memory.
It describes a situation where a mistake or a bad decision in the past has negative consequences in the present or future.


The origin of this idiom is not tied to a specific historical event or story. Instead, it draws upon the common human experience of regret and the idea that past mistakes or actions can have a lasting impact on one’s life. Like a spooky ghost from the past…


The idiom is used in various settings like workplace, family, social situations to warn or remind someone that their actions now may have bad consequences in the future.


Be careful what you say about your boss; it might come back to haunt you in the future.
Skipping classes now may seem fun, but it could come back to haunt you when you’re trying to graduate.
Investing in that risky business venture might come back to haunt you if it fails.

Similar expressions 

There are many expressions that may be similar to “come back to haunt you”
Here are two:

Reap what you sow”: Future consequences are usually shaped by present actions.

 Tom cheated on his exams throughout high school, and now he’s failing all his college courses. He’s just reaping what he sowed.

Dig your own grave: Doing something foolish which causes you a lot of trouble or even ends your career, relationship, marriage etc.

By refusing to apologize for his rude comments, John dug his own grave and lost many friends in the process.

Speaking of scary things from the past, my first “experience” of  Halloween was  through a Halloween movie that I watched when I was about 10 years old

At that time, Halloween was not celebrated in my home country (Uganda). The movie terrified me! I couldn’t get it off my mind for a long time. I’d say, it haunted me for a long time and made me hate Halloween.
Nowadays, Halloween is a fun holiday in my country. Young people love to dress up in funny outfits and have Halloween parties and parades.

To sum up, just like ghosts, goblins, ghosts and other creatures associated with Halloween, come back to “haunt” us every year on October 31st, bad actions, mistakes or decisions made in the past may haunt or cause trouble for us in the present or future.

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【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 – You look like you’ve seen a ghost

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost




今日のテーマはハロウィンそのものについてではなく、「You look like you’ve seen a ghost (幽霊でも見たようだね)」というフレーズです。


「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost

You look like you’ve seen a ghost」は基本的に、何かに驚いたり、何かに怖がっているように見えるという意味です。


「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」の例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost



Hi Mike. Ooh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?

Hey you don’t look too good today. In fact, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.

You look like you’ve seen a ghost, did something happen at school?

一般的に、このフレーズは「you look pale (顔色が悪い)」、「you look ill (具合が悪そうだ)」、「you don’t look well (元気がなさそうだ、顔色が悪い)」などと同じ意味で使われます。





私がハロウィンを祝う方法は、10月にお気に入りのspooky (怖い、不気味) なテーマの映画を観ることです。
私が特に好きな映画は、「The Guest」、「Big Trouble in Little China」、「Bram Stoker’s Dracula」です。

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost



あなたが「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」と言われたときにも、意味がわかるようになったと思います。
しかし、もっとシンプルに「you look pale (顔色が悪い)」とか「you don’t look well (元気がなさそうだ、顔色が悪い)」などと言うだけでも十分です。この言い方は簡単で効率的ですね!







Halloween and “You Look Like You’ve Seen a Ghost”

Happy Halloween!

Well, not yet, but as of this writing, it’s October and Halloween is the major event for this month. Halloween is known and celebrated around the world primarily for its horror themes, where kids would dress up as monsters and go around a neighborhood asking for treats (or tricks). Adults would also party and dress up, too.

Today’s topic however is about the phrase “You look like you’ve seen a ghost”, which is a fairly common and useful phrase in English to express certain feelings. Let’s get into it.

What Does it Mean?

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” basically means that someone looks as if they’ve seen something that has shocked or scared them in some way. It’s rather broad in how it can be used, as not only can it be used as a way to describe how someone seems scared, but also their complexion, such as when someone looks very pale or ill. It’s a way to tell someone that they don’t look well or seem unnerved by something, essentially.

Use Case Examples

Here are a few ways it could be used in common conversations:

“Hi Mike. Ooh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?”

“Hey you don’t look too good today. In fact, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, did something happen at school?”

Generally, the phrase replaces things such as “you look pale” “you look ill” and “you don’t look well”.

Experiences with Halloween

Personally, I haven’t done many Halloween related events in Australia, as while Australia does have them, it’s usually in the form of home parties and depends on the individual.

In Japan, I’ve been to a few Halloween themed parties. There was a lot of cosplay involved and it was pretty fun. I like to actually be a bit scary with my outfits and acting, so the goal of making someone look as if they’ve seen a ghost is a fun one for me!

The way I personally celebrate Halloween is by watching some of my favorite “spooky” themed films for the month. There’s a few films I particularly like, such as “The Guest”, “Big Trouble in Little China” and “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”.


Hopefully you now know how to use the phrase in a conversation and understand it when it’s said to you, but to keep it simple, you could always just say “you look pale” or “you don’t look well”. That’s efficient and easy English!

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【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? – “make your blood run cold”の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方



「ゾッとさせる (make your blood run cold)」の例文

英語には何かが怖い、または怖かったという表現がたくさんありますが、私のお気に入りの一つは「make your blood run cold」です。

The shower scene from “Psycho” always makes my blood run cold.

I almost stood on very large snake in Nishi Koen a few years ago. the thought of it still makes my blood run cold.

No matter how long I stay in Japan, even the smallest of earthquakes makes my blood run cold.


「make your blood run cold」と類似したフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方

Send Shivers Down Your Spine

My mum hates spiders. She can’t even see pictures of them without getting shivers down her spine.

Scare You to Death

I almost got hit by a truck last night at the traffic lights. I’m fine but it was a really close shave and nearly scared me to death.

Chill You to the Bone

I used to live in a haunted house when I was a kid. I can’t forget what it was like living there and every time I walk past it still chills me to the bone.




ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方










Hello there everyone, 

As I’m sure you are all aware, this month it is Halloween and if you have been in Kensington for a while you know some of our discussion will be Halloween themed and we will be talking about Halloween traditions, what scary movies, books, and experiences you have had, and some of your deepest darkest fears!

Halloween’s Origins

You all know Halloween as it is now with people dressing up and going to Halloween parties and parades, trick or treating and generally having a fun time, but did you know that Halloween is actually around 2000 years and originates in Europe? In those days it was similar in some ways to Obon in that people believed that on that day it was possible to be closer to the dead and communicate with spirits. Of course not all spirits had good intentions so a number of practices were put in place to drive evil ones away. People also used to wear animal heads and skins to these ceremonies too and this may be the origin of the modern day “cosplay” theme of Halloween.


Make your Blood Run Cold

There are many ways to say something scares or scared you in English and here is one of my favourites. “make your blood run cold”

“Make your blood run cold” means to feel extreme fear. Here are a couple of examples.

“The shower scene from “Psycho” always makes my blood run cold”.

“ I almost stood on very large snake in Nishi Koen a few years ago. the thought of it still makes my blood run cold” ( true story)

“No matter how long I stay in Japan, even the smallest of earthquakes makes my blood run cold.”

Similar Phrases

Send Shivers Down Your Spine. 

“My mum hates spiders. She can’t even see pictures of them without getting shivers down her spine.”

Scare You to Death

“I almost got hit by a truck last night at the traffic lights. I’m fine but it was a really close shave and nearly scared me to death.”

Chill You to the Bone

“I used to live in a haunted house when I was a kid. I can’t forget what it was like living there and every time I walk past it still chills me to the bone.”

P.S This one is also a true story! If you get the chance, ask me about it in class. It’ll give you goosebumps!

Halloween in Scotland

Halloween in Scotland is slightly different to what you see in American films but the idea is pretty similar. Firstly, Scottish kids will dress up and go out but we don’t use “trick or treat”. In Scotland it is called “guising” and the main difference is that when we visit a home we are invited in and have to perform a “party piece” before we are given any candy.  The party piece can be a joke, riddle, song, poem, or anything at all. On one memorable occasion when I was about twenty years old, a couple of kids came and performed a ballroom dance in my living room! 

So there you go everyone. As you can say there are some really nice colourful expressions we can use to talk about our fears. I hope these come in handy and a very happy Halloween to all of you. 


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Is everything hunky-dory? (全てうまくいっていますか?)







「everything is hunky-dory」の意味と由来


everything is hunky-dory」は、非公式な表現で、物事がとてもよく進んでいる、または完全に問題ないことを意味します。





Despite some difficulties at the beginning of the trip, the vacation turned out to be hunky-dory, and we had a fantastic time in Malta.

I was worried about the interview, but it went hunky-dory, and I got the job.


Hey Kimberly, how was the camping trip last weekend?

Oh, it was fantastic, Yumi! We had great weather, and everything was hunky-dory.


「everything is hunky-dory」と似ている言葉


「everything is hunky-dory」に似た言葉や表現は多くあります。

going swimmingly「快調」

The party is going swimmingly; everyone is having a great time.

in good shape「好調、体が強い」

Our finances are in good shape. We can hire another receptionist if necessary.

all is well「万事順調」

Don’t worry, all is well with the plan.


私の「everything is hunky-dory」

私の「everything is hunky-dory」な経験を言うとしたら、そうですね、娘が今年初めに大阪で仕事のために引っ越した時、私は心配していましたが、これまでのところ「everything is hunky-dory」(全てうまくいってる) です。



「everything is hunky-dory」とは、物事が順調または満足のいくように進んでいるとカジュアルに言う方法です。心配する必要はありません。








Everything is “hunky-dory”

Hello there, how are you? Is everything hunky-dory?
Hunky-dory? What’s that?
It’s an old American slang or informal expression whose meaning and usage I’m explaining in the next few paragraphs.

 Meaning and origin of “everything is hunky-dory” 

Everything is hunky-dory is an informal expression which means that  things are going very well or are perfectly fine. It’s a way of expressing satisfaction with how things are going.
Some people think that “hunky-dory” probably means  “Honcho dori” is a Main street in Yokohama city, Japan where western sailors,especially the American navy officers,  used to have a good time during their time off in the past.
While others say that it may have originated from American slang in the 19th century. “Hunky” was used to mean “pleasant” or “fine,” and “dory” referred to a type of small fishing boat. Over time, these two words may have been combined to create “hunky-dory.”

Usage Examples:

 Despite some difficulties at the beginning of the trip, the vacation turned out to be hunky-dory, and we had a fantastic time in Malta.

I was worried about the interview, but it went hunky-dory, and I got the job.

In a dialogue:

Yumi: Hey Kimberly, how was the camping trip last weekend?

Kimberly: Oh, it was fantastic, Yumi! We had great weather, and everything was hunky-dory.

 Words similar to “everything is hunky-dory” 

Among the many similar words or expressions to hunky-dory are:
 “ Going swimmingly”  The party is going swimmingly; everyone is having a great time.
“In good shape”     Our finances are in good shape. We can hire another receptionist if necessary.
“All is well” Don’t worry, all is well with the plan.

Any personal experiences with “everything hunky-dory”?

Well, I was worried when my daughter moved to Osaka for work earlier this year, but everything seems to be hunky-dory so far. 

All in all, hunky-dory is an informal way to say that things are going alright or satisfactorily. No need to worry.
It should be noted however that this expression is very informal, so it should be avoided in formal situations.

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