カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Jaimie

Happy Birthday to Kensington! – 祝ケンジントン英会話10周年!





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Happy Birthday to Kensington! - 10周年おめでとう!
What is the purpose of your visit (あなたの訪問の目的は?)

Humble beginnings (ささやかな始まり)

Youthful exuberance! (若々しい活力!)

Rina and Aya! (リナとアヤ!)

Young but fun school (若いながらも楽しい学校)

Oh dear (おやおや)

Tough times through covid (コロナ禍の厳しい時期)

A somber mood (重苦しい雰囲気)

Life Online (オンライン生活)

Elderly Statesmen (ベテランの指導者たち)

Back and busy as always (いつも通りの忙しさに戻りました)









Hello there everyone! 

This month marks the 10th anniversary of Kensington Eikaiwa, so a big and slightly belated happy birthday to all of you!

Most of long term students (some of you have been with us from the very beginning) know how we started off small in a tiny apartment in Maizuru and with the support of all our amazing students, teachers, and staff alike, are still here 10 years later and busier than ever despite some major setbacks through the horrible covid era.

I don’t want to bore you with a massive back story so like on any milestone celebration,I have dragged up a few old pictures of us through our younger, more party-like early days onto the adult version of Kensington we have become today. There were so many to choose from it wasn’t easy but here is a look at Kensington over the years.

We are planning a large celebration later in the year and will be inviting former students and staff alike. We want to make it special so we are starting to plan it now and will hold it at the end of the year so please watch this space! 


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「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? – 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】



今日は「Give 〜 a bell」というフレーズをご紹介します。


「Give me a bell」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

これはシンプルに「Please call me (私に電話してください)」という意味です。

また、なぜ「give me a bell」と言うかというと(30代以上の方はご存知かと思いますが)、昔、電話がもっとシンプルで、家庭用電話が一般的だった時代には、実際にベルのように鳴っていたからです。


「Give 〜 a bell」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

I’d better get home, it’s getting late.

Okay, give us a bell to let me know you got back alright.

I can’t give you an exact date on when I’ll be available but as soon as I know I’ll give you a bell to let you know.

I’ll send you all the information you need by email tomorrow.

Could you give me a bell instead please. My computer is on the blink and I haven’t had time to get it fixed yet

Sure, I’ll call you around midday then.


「Give 〜 a bell」に似た表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

「give me a bell」と類似する表現はたくさんあります。下記にいくつかご紹介します。

give 〜 a ring

Safe journey home!

Thanks, I’ll give you a ring when I get home to let you know I got back in one piece.

give 〜 a buzz

Do you feel like a couple of quick drinks?

I can’t at the moment but give me a buzz again in a couple of hours. I should be done by then.

get on the horn

We need to make those reservations quickly! Never mind booking online. Get on the horn and see if you can make them directly!



以上が「Give 〜 a bell」の解説です。とても簡単ですね。








Hello again, it’s time for your weekly dose of lovely British English, so here we go.

Today I will show you this phrase “ Give us a bell” I want to introduce this phrase (and other similar ones) because I have noticed that a lot of my students have some difficulty when talking about simple everyday actions such as making phone calls or doing things around the house.


This simply means “ Please call me” and there are plenty of other versions which I will show you later. The reason we say give me a bell is because (and this is for anyone under 30) a long time ago when phones were much more simple and the home phone was more common they actually used to ring like bells. Of course nowadays they all have digital ringtones but the phrase still holds true..


 “I’d better get home, it’s getting late.”
“Okay, give us a bell to let me know you got back alright.”

“I can’t give you an exact date on when I’ll be available but as soon as I know I’ll give you a bell to let you know.”

“I’ll send you all the information you need by email tomorrow.” 

“Could you give me a bell instead please. My computer is on the blink and I haven’t had time to get it fixed yet” 

“Sure, I’ll call you around midday then.” 

Similar Expressions

There are lots of ways to say “give me a bell” so here are a few. 

give me a ring

“Safe journey home!” 

“Thanks, I’ll give you a ring when I get home to let you know I got back in one piece.” 

give me a buzz

“Do you feel like a couple of quick drinks?” 

“I can’t at the moment but give me a buzz again in a couple of hours. I should be done by then.”

get on the horn

“We need to make those reservations quickly! Never mind booking online. Get on the horn and see if you can make them directly!” 

And that’s it, easy as can be. There are so many different ways to talk about making phone calls and those were just a few. I hope they come in handy. 


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スコットランドの大みそか (Hogmanay)と新年



スコットランドでは、大晦日のことを「Hogmanay (ホグマネイ)」と呼びます。

ですが一番特別なのは、「first footing(ファースト・フッティング)」と呼ばれるものです。

「first footing」は12月31日の真夜中に始まり、通常3、4日間続きますが、それ以上続くこともあります。






英語での新年の挨拶に「congratulations」は使わないのでご注意ください。シンプルに「Happy new year」と言います。

「Happy new year」を何度も言ったり聞いたりするのに飽きたら、これらのフレーズもオススメです。


Here’s to the new year

Cheers to the new year


Out with the old and in with the new.

Here’s to another year of [fun/ laughter/ success/ drinking]
(さあ、もう一年の [楽しみ/笑い/成功/お酒] に乾杯)



その夜、除夜の鐘が鳴った後に「Auld Lang Syne (オールド・ラング・サイン)」を口ずさんだ時、義父は私が日本の歌「蛍の光」を知っていることに驚きました。














Happy new year!

Hello everyone. We have finally come to the end of another busy year in Kensington. Thanks to our team and all of our students this has been a great year for us especially after the doldrums of the past few years of Covid 19. We have made some changes to the school and system, hired some great new teachers and staff, and generally had a wonderful year. I hope the same can be said for all of you. In my blog today, I’m going to tell you a bit about how we spend the new year in Scotland, what kind of phrases we use at that time of year (and which we don’t) and introduce you to a bit of Scottish culture. 

New Year in Scotland (Hogmanay)

New year at home in Scotland is quite different from what it is here in Japan, for one thing it’s a lot livelier.

In Scotland new years’ eve is known as Hogmanay, nobody is quite sure why, but the word possibly comes from the Greek, French, Norse, or Celtic languages and it has been used from as far back as 1443.

There are a number of traditions that some people still follow such as the end of year cleaning, opening the front door at midnight to let in the new year air, bringing whisky, coal, or shortbread to a friend or relative’s house etc, but the big one is called first footing.

First footing starts after midnight on the 31st and usually continues for 3 or 4 days but can sometimes continue longer than that. Traditionally, the first foot to cross your door is supposed to bring you your luck for the year(tall dark men are supposed to bring the best luck) and we are meant to bring one or more of the things above, but nowadays most people just bring booze.

Needless to say, this is a time of much hard partying and it’s not unusual to wake up to find people in your house you have never met before, shops to be closed longer than planned and hangovers to be defeated collectively for those unlucky ones who have to work at the beginning of the year.

Even though it’s freezing ,outdoor parties are also popular at new year, the street party in Edinburgh, which is Scotland’s capital, has about 400,000 people in attendance every year.
Whisky is consumed in large amounts and bagpipes are played, not my favourite instrument I have to say. Some people will eat haggis at new year, a rather unappetising dish made from minced sheep organs stuffed into a sheep’s stomach lining and roasted in the oven. I love it!

New Year’s Greetings

We don’t have 年賀状 as such, people send Christmas cards which usually contain a message for the new year. Please remember that we don’t use congratulations as a new year greeting in English, it’s simply.. Happy new year.

If you get a bit tired of saying or hearing the same thing over and over again then here are some options. 

These two are usually said with a glass in hand and meant as a toast. 

“Here’s to the new year” 

“Cheers to the new year! 

Out with the old and in with the new.

You can also say “All the best for the new year” or “Here’s to another year of (add whatever you like here) Example “Here’s to another year of fun/ laughter/ success/ drinking”.

There is one more tradition that we have at home that surprised my wife’s family the first new year I was here. I started humming the tune to Auld Lang Syne after the bells rang that night and my father in law was surprised that I knew the Japanese song 蛍の光.
Sorry, unfortunately this is not a Japanese song it was written by a famous Scottish poet called Robert Burns, and is usually sung at new year after the bells start ringing, or funerals. Most Scots acquaint this song with those occasions so it always makes me laugh a little to think that it signifies the closing of Daimaru at the end of the day or the last subway train.

I hope 2023 was a great year for you and I know I speak for all of us when I say, thank you so much for joining us, we feel lucky to have you as students, and it was a real pleasure teaching you last year. Keep up the good work this year.

All the best for 2024


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【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 – 食べすぎる、大食いする

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする


そこで今日は「pig out (食べすぎる、大食いする)」という表現をご紹介します。


「pig out」の意味

【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする

pig out」は大量の食べ物を食べることを意味します。

英語には「pig (豚)」に関連した多くの表現があり、そのいくつかは欲張りであることや食べ過ぎに関連しています。


「pig out」を使った例文

「pig out (on)」の例文をいくつかご紹介します。

I can’t wait for Christmas dinner, I’m going to pig out on the turkey and stuffing!

I really pigged out at dinner today! I’m so full I can’t move.

One of the things I love about eating out in Japan is the buffets and all-you-can-eat menus. There is nothing better than pigging out on all that good food especially if they have all you can drink too!



【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする


【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする



【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする

先ほどに言ったように、英語には「pig (豚)」に関連する表現がたくさんあり、残念ながら豚にとってはそのほとんどが少しネガティブです。しかし、豚は気にしないでしょう。

greedy as a pig (非常に欲張りな人であること)

My son’s friend Colin is as greedy as a pig. He came to the birthday party and ate all the cookies before anyone could get a chance!
(私の息子の友人のコリンは豚のように欲張りです。彼は誕生日パーティーに来て、誰も手をつける前にクッキーを全部食べてしまった! )

make a pig of oneself(食べ過ぎる)

I feel really bloated today. We went to a dinner party at a friend’s house last night. She’s a really good cook and I made a bit of a pig of myself. I’ll have to hit the gym later

like a pig sty(散らかった/汚れた状態である)

Clean your room! It looks like a pig sty



今日は「pig out」やその類似フレーズをご紹介しました。









Hello there everyone, Monday is here again and Christmas is just around the corner

I don’t know about you but one of the things I love about this time of year is the food so today I will introduce this expression “pig out”


Pig out means to eat a huge amount of food. We also use it with the preposition on when specifying what kind of food we ate.

We have a lot of different expressions connected to pigs in English and some of them are connected to being greedy or eating too much. When I was younger I actually spent a bit of time living on a farm and if you have ever seen pigs eat then you will understand why. 

Here are some examples of how to use pig out (on).

  • I can’t wait for Christmas dinner, I’m going to pig out on the turkey and stuffing!
  • I really pigged out at dinner today! I’m so full I can’t move.
  • One of the things I love about eating out in Japan is the buffets and all-you-can-eat menus. There is nothing better than pigging out on all that good food especially if they have all you can drink too!

Christmas Dinner! 

Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas long long ago. My dad used to really pull out all the stops for Christmas and unfortunately I only got a picture of the meat but believe me there was much much more than this to come. We had roast pork with apple sauce, turkey with cranberry and nut stuffing, roast ham with cheese crust and in the top left corner were his amazing sausage rolls which contained enough butter that they should have come with a health warning. Absolutely delicious. 

Similar Expressions

Like I said earlier there are a lot of expressions connected to pigs in English and unfortunately for pigs most of them are slightly negative although I’m sure the pigs don’t mind.

  • greedy as a pig ( to be a very greedy person)

“My son’s friend Colin is as greedy as a pig. He came to the birthday party and ate all the cookies before anyone could get a chance! “

  • make a pig of oneself (to eat too much)

“I feel really bloated today. We went to a dinner party at a friend’s house last night. She’s a really good cook and I made a bit of a pig of myself. I’ll have to hit the gym later”

  • like a pig sty (to be in a messy/ dirty state)

“Clean your room! It looks like a pig sty”

Wrap Up

So there we have it. If you want to express the fact that you have eaten too much, you can always fall back on the poor old pigs to help you describe it in nice colourful language. 

Hope that comes in handy, 


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❌ Japan is a very safety country.

おそらく、日本人の多くの方が「safety driver」という言葉を使うからかもしれません。


Japan is a very safe country.

I am a very safe driver.

My neighbourhood is really safe. We’ve never experienced any kind of crime since we’ve lived there.





Safety First


For the safety of our passengers and crew. All luggage must be stored in the overhead compartment or under your seat during take off and landing.





Danger! Do not enter. High Voltage Wires

Don’t touch that cable. It is old and frayed and looks a bit dangerous. I’ll buy a new one today.











Common English Errors (Safe vs Safety) 

Hello again everyone. In my blog today I’ll show you the difference between the words safe and safety because it is something that my students seem to confuse very often and is also an easy fix. I often hear it when we do the travel based classes or when we are talking about Japan because as you are all aware, Japan is a very safe country. 

Difference Between Safe and Safety

Basically, safety is a noun so we don’t use it to describe something. Safe is the adjective and is what we use to describe places, situations, and so on. 


This is an example of one of these mistakes and it is also the one I hear most often.

Japan is a very safety country.

I’ve heard this so many times in my 20 years teaching here and it is incorrect, maybe it’s because a lot of Japanese people use the term “safety driver”

This is the correct version.

Japan is a very safe country.

I am a very safe driver.

My neighbourhood is really safe. We’ve never experienced any kind of crime since we’ve lived there.

Here are some examples of how to use the word “safety” in a sentence.

You will often see this on construction sites or workplaces where there is a risk of danger involved. 

“Safety First” 

You will also hear this announcement after boarding a flight. 

“For the safety of our passengers and crew. All luggage must be stored in the overhead compartment or under your seat during take off and landing. “

Similar Errors

Similarly, but not quite as often I hear people confuse the words danger and dangerous. 

In the same way as safety and safe, danger is the noun and dangerous is the adjective. 

For example

“Danger! Do not enter. High Voltage Wires”

“Don’t touch that cable. It is old and frayed and looks a bit dangerous. I’ll buy a new one today.


So there it is. The difference between safe and safety is pretty obvious and not so difficult to master as long as you remember that safe is an adjective so we can use it to talk describe things like places, people, areas, neighbourhoods, and more, and safety is a noun so it is often used on signs and in announcements like I showed you above. Hope that comes in handy. 


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【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? – “make your blood run cold”の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方



「ゾッとさせる (make your blood run cold)」の例文

英語には何かが怖い、または怖かったという表現がたくさんありますが、私のお気に入りの一つは「make your blood run cold」です。

The shower scene from “Psycho” always makes my blood run cold.

I almost stood on very large snake in Nishi Koen a few years ago. the thought of it still makes my blood run cold.

No matter how long I stay in Japan, even the smallest of earthquakes makes my blood run cold.


「make your blood run cold」と類似したフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方

Send Shivers Down Your Spine

My mum hates spiders. She can’t even see pictures of them without getting shivers down her spine.

Scare You to Death

I almost got hit by a truck last night at the traffic lights. I’m fine but it was a really close shave and nearly scared me to death.

Chill You to the Bone

I used to live in a haunted house when I was a kid. I can’t forget what it was like living there and every time I walk past it still chills me to the bone.




ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方










Hello there everyone, 

As I’m sure you are all aware, this month it is Halloween and if you have been in Kensington for a while you know some of our discussion will be Halloween themed and we will be talking about Halloween traditions, what scary movies, books, and experiences you have had, and some of your deepest darkest fears!

Halloween’s Origins

You all know Halloween as it is now with people dressing up and going to Halloween parties and parades, trick or treating and generally having a fun time, but did you know that Halloween is actually around 2000 years and originates in Europe? In those days it was similar in some ways to Obon in that people believed that on that day it was possible to be closer to the dead and communicate with spirits. Of course not all spirits had good intentions so a number of practices were put in place to drive evil ones away. People also used to wear animal heads and skins to these ceremonies too and this may be the origin of the modern day “cosplay” theme of Halloween.


Make your Blood Run Cold

There are many ways to say something scares or scared you in English and here is one of my favourites. “make your blood run cold”

“Make your blood run cold” means to feel extreme fear. Here are a couple of examples.

“The shower scene from “Psycho” always makes my blood run cold”.

“ I almost stood on very large snake in Nishi Koen a few years ago. the thought of it still makes my blood run cold” ( true story)

“No matter how long I stay in Japan, even the smallest of earthquakes makes my blood run cold.”

Similar Phrases

Send Shivers Down Your Spine. 

“My mum hates spiders. She can’t even see pictures of them without getting shivers down her spine.”

Scare You to Death

“I almost got hit by a truck last night at the traffic lights. I’m fine but it was a really close shave and nearly scared me to death.”

Chill You to the Bone

“I used to live in a haunted house when I was a kid. I can’t forget what it was like living there and every time I walk past it still chills me to the bone.”

P.S This one is also a true story! If you get the chance, ask me about it in class. It’ll give you goosebumps!

Halloween in Scotland

Halloween in Scotland is slightly different to what you see in American films but the idea is pretty similar. Firstly, Scottish kids will dress up and go out but we don’t use “trick or treat”. In Scotland it is called “guising” and the main difference is that when we visit a home we are invited in and have to perform a “party piece” before we are given any candy.  The party piece can be a joke, riddle, song, poem, or anything at all. On one memorable occasion when I was about twenty years old, a couple of kids came and performed a ballroom dance in my living room! 

So there you go everyone. As you can say there are some really nice colourful expressions we can use to talk about our fears. I hope these come in handy and a very happy Halloween to all of you. 


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このブログでは、私がよく使う2つの言葉、「boozer (飲む場所やかなりの量を飲む人)」と「skint (お金がない)」についてご説明します。












You going down the boozer tonight mate?

Can’t go I’m afraid. I’m skint.


I’m not sure if we should hire that guy. He’s a great chef but his reputation as gambler, boozer, and a womanizer are giving me second thoughts!

We always used to go somewhere in Europe for the holidays but the weak yen has left me feeling kind of skint so I think we will stay in Japan this year.


What did you get up to last night?

Nothing much, just a couple of quiet pints down the boozer then home





Broke (お金がない), penniless (無一文), strapped for cash (お金に困って、懐が寂しい), badly off (貧しい、不景気な)

したがって、「the local」は普段行くバーを指し、「a local」はその特定のバーによく行く客を意味します。


I had a pretty quiet Saturday night. Had a few pints at the local but didn’t stay long. I’m kind of strapped for cash at the moment.



これで、イギリスに自信を持って旅行し、その時のあなたの経済状況に応じて、新しくできた友達と一緒に飲む (または飲まない) ことができるようになりました。それも、とても自然なイギリス英語のスラングを使って。







British Slang. How to use the Terms “Skint” and Boozer”

Hello there everyone, today I’ll introduce a little bit of British slang. When you are travelling or living overseas, you will probably notice that the English you hear is somewhat different from what you have learned in school or from textbooks and one of the main differences is the very frequent use of slang words. Here are two words that I use quite often ,“skint” ,meaning having no money and boozer, which just means a place to drink or someone who drinks a fair bit. 


The term boozer is pretty easy. Booze means alcoholic drink, and boozer can be either a pub or bar or a person who drinks a fair amount. 


Skint is a little more difficult to understand. It seems to come from a twentieth century word “Skinned” which has no relation to having your flesh removed but rather was used to describe a person who had been stripped of their money or belongings and over time the pronunciation has changed to skint and it simply means to have no or very little money either temporarily or for the foreseeable future. 


“You going down the boozer tonight mate?”
“Can’t go I’m afraid. I’m skint.”

I’m not sure if we should hire that guy. He’s a great chef but his reputation as gambler, boozer, and a womanizer are giving me second thoughts! 

We always used to go somewhere in Europe for the holidays but the weak yen has left me feeling kind of skint so I think we will stay in Japan this year. 

“What did you get up to last night?”
“Nothing much, just a couple of quiet pints down the boozer then home” 

Alternative Phrases

There are of course many ways to say you don’t have money and here are a few. 

broke, penniless, strapped for cash, badly off, 

Strangely, even though the Brits do spend a lot of time in the pub we don’t have so many slang words to describe it. The only one that springs to mind is “local”. We use this to talk about the bar we usually frequent so “the local” means the bar you usually go to and “a local” means a customer who often goes to a particular bar. 


“I had a pretty quiet Saturday night. Had a few pints at the local but didn’t stay long. I’m kind of strapped for cash at the moment. “

So there you have it. You can now confidently travel to the UK and have, or not have a drink with your new found friends depending on your level of solvency at the time and all done in very natural British English slang. 



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「ripe」は一般的に、果物が食べごろの時に使います。 (a ripe banana [熟したバナナ] など)。
また、何かを行うのに適切な時期が来たことを意味する場面 (the time is ripe for action [行動を起こすのに適切な時期]など)や、何かが悪臭を放つ場面(a ripe smell [悪臭がする] など)、または年配を意味するイディオムとしても使われます (the ripe old age of 95 [95歳の高齢]など)。


Don’t eat the pears I bought yesterday, they aren’t ripe yet and you’ll get a sore stomach.

I’ve looked around and there are very few English schools in Hakata. It’s ripe for the taking, let’s open the next Kensington there!!!

Oh my goodness! Please take all the dirty socks and put them in the washing machine. Your room smells ripe!

My grandfather never smoked or drank and exercised every day of his life. He lived to the ripe old age of 101.





After dinner we were given a cheese plate which had the best mature cheddar I’ve ever tasted.

I have four kids. Two boys and two girls and I really think it’s true that girls mature faster than boys.











Hello there everyone, the topic for today’s blog is the word “ripe”. I’d like to introduce this word to you because it has a few different meanings that may be slightly confusing for non-native speakers and it can also easily be confused with the word “mature” which has a slightly different meaning.

What Does Ripe Mean? 

Ripe is generally used to talk about when a fruit is ready to eat.( a ripe banana etc.)  It also means that the time has come for something to be done ( the time is ripe for action etc.), something smells bad ( a ripe smell) and can also be used in an idiom to mean elderly ( the ripe old age of 95)

Example Sentences

  • Don’t eat the pears I bought yesterday, they aren’t ripe yet and you’ll get a sore stomach.
  • I’ve looked around and there are very few English schools in Hakata. It’s ripe for the taking, let’s open the next Kensington there!!!
  • Oh my goodness! Please take all the dirty socks and put them in the washing machine. Your room smells ripe!
  • My grandfather never smoked or drank and exercised every day of his life. He lived to the ripe old age of 101. 

Ripe vs Mature

Sometimes my students get these two mixed up. Ripe is used to talk about when fruits are ready to eat or the time is right for action to be taken but mature refers more to when a wine or cheese has aged and tastes better for it or when a person has gone from childhood into adulthood. 

  • After dinner we were given a cheese plate which had the best mature cheddar I’ve ever tasted. 
  • I have four kids. Two boys and two girls and I really think it’s true that girls mature faster than boys. 

So there we have it. The word ripe is an adjective to describe the perfect time for something to be done, used, developed, taken over, eaten and much much more and is not to be confused with mature which pertains to the fact that something has improved with age. 

Hope that comes in handy. 


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I bought a new jacket last week. The jacket was a bit expensive but I really like it!

I went to an Italian restaurant last night. It was the first time I had been to the restaurant and the food was amazing.

Thank you so much for the advice you gave me. It was very helpful!

Could you pass me the salt and pepper please?





  • the River Nile(ナイル川)
  • The Sea of Japan(日本海)
  • The Rockies(ロッキー山脈)
  • the U.K(イギリス)
  • The Czech Republic(チェコ共和国)



  • Lake Victoria(ヴィクトリア湖)
  • Mt Aso(阿蘇山)
  • Japan(日本)



  • The Queen of England(イングランドの女王)
  • The President of the United States of America(アメリカ合衆国大統領)
  • The Pope(教皇)
  • The head of the company(会社の社長)



  • Queen Elizabeth(エリザベス女王)
  • President Trump(トランプ大統領)
  • Pope John Paul(ヨハネ・パウロ教皇)
  • President Tanaka(田中社長)








Hello everyone,
Today I’d like to give you some information on how to use “the”. It is a very big topic and I can only scratch the surface of it really but here are a few examples for just now and I’ll follow up with another blog about this sometime in the future.

Firstly, we use “the” when the identity of something is known. For instance when we mention a noun for the first time we usually use a/an if it is countable and then when the noun is mentioned again we will use the.

“I bought a new jacket last week. The jacket was a bit expensive but I really like it!”

“I went to an Italian restaurant last night. It was the first time I had been to the restaurant and the food was amazing.”

“Thank you so much for the advice you gave me. It was very helpful!

“Could you pass me the salt and pepper please?”

We use the in front of the names of some things such as rivers, seas, mountain ranges, and countries which are unions or republics.


the River Nile, The Sea of Japan, The Rockies, the U.K, The Czech Republic

But we don’t use it in front of things like lakes, mountains, and countries which are not unions or republics

Lake Victoria, Mt Aso, Japan

We also use it when we are talking about people using their title or position.

The Queen of England, The President of the United States of America, The Pope, The head of the company

We don’t use it though when we give their name

Queen Elizabeth, President Trump, Pope John Paul, President Tanaka

Hope that comes in handy.

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa




「炉端焼き」を英語で説明 & ジェイミー先生オススメの炉端焼き【日本語訳つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「炉端焼き」を英語で説明 & ジェイミー先生オススメの炉端焼き【日本語訳つき】

Hello there everyone.

We are once again on the topic of Japanese food and today we are looking at the style of cooking knowns as “Robatayki” which translates as “robata” fireside and “yaki” grilling. Like a few other Japanese cooking methods it consists of skewered meat, vegetables, and seafood and as you can guess by the name it is grilled, usually over charcoal.

I have a fair bit of experience with “robata yaki” thus far and every time I have it’s been absolutely amazing. Compared to the other types of “yaki” namely “yakitori” and “kushiyaki” it can be slightly pricey but if you find the right place it will be both reasonable and delicious.

If anyone is looking for a good spot to try this in Fukuoka City, I’d recommend this place in Imaizumi. 百式

I went there for my last anniversary on the advice of a friend and it didn’t disappoint! They have some of the staples on the menu of course but this place changes up depending on the season. If you can get the straw baked bonito. It’s not to be missed!














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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

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