【イギリスのスラング】「take a piss」の意味・使い方・より良い表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:take a piss


このブログでは「take a piss」の意味についてご紹介していきます!







「take a piss」という表現は、排尿することまたはトイレで尿をすることを表す俗語です。

I need to take a piss before we leave.

より良い表現は「use the bathroom」です。

I need to use the bathroom before we leave.



taking a piss out of someone」というフレーズは、別の意味を持ちます。

例えば、誰かが誰かを笑い物にした冗談を言った場合、その人は「taking a piss」していると言われるかもしれません。

James always takes a piss out of his wife. It’s not really funny anymore, I feel really sorry for her.

より良い表現は「make fun of」です。

James always makes fun of his wife. It’s not really funny anymore, I feel really sorry for her.


「take a piss」の使用頻度

Google Books Ngram Viewer を見ると、この表現が時間の経過とともにどの程度使用されてきたかを確認できます。

Google Books Ngram Viewer - take a piss



このブログでは、「take a piss」が文字通り何を意味するのか、比喩的には何を意味するのか、そしてより良く、より礼儀正しい表現をご紹介しました。



[English version]

The word piss is a slang term for urine and it’s important to note that this expression can be considered offensive or vulgar, and may not be appropriate for all audiences or situations. It’s generally best to use more polite and respectful language when speaking with others. 

Literal Use

The expression “take a piss” is a slang term used to describe the act of urinating, or going to the bathroom to urinate. It is often used in casual or informal conversations and is not considered appropriate for formal or polite settings.
Ex. I need to take a piss before we leave. 

More Politely

A better expression to use is “use the bathroom”. It’s more polite and can be used in any situation.
Ex. I need to use the bathroom before we leave.  

Figurative use

The phrase “taking a piss out of someone” means something different. It is an expression used to describe making fun of or mocking someone, often in a mean-spirited or insulting way. For example, if someone were to tell a joke at someone else’s expense, they might be said to be “taking a piss” of that person.
Ex. James always takes a piss out of his wife. It’s not really funny anymore, I feel really sorry for her. 

More Politely

A more polite expression to use is “make fun of”. It’s again more polite and can be used in any situation.
Ex. James always makes fun of his wife. It’s not really funny anymore, I feel really sorry for her. 

Usage through time

You can check this link to see how often this expression has been used through time. As we can see, it’s an expression that started being used in the 1950s. 

This blog intends to explain what “take a piss” means both literally and figuratively and also introduced better and more polite alternatives. It’s an expression that shouldn’t be used in English unless you are a young person speaking to his/her mates. 

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