月別アーカイブ: 2014年8月


Some Photos from Tim’s Summer


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This summer was incredibly busy for me. In addition to all my work for Kensington, in July I opened my new business orientated school Windsor Business Club. On the left you can see the sign with the Windsor Eikaiwa logo outside the classroom. Working on 3 schools at the same time keeps me very busy but it’s good work and I’m happy.


Running your own businesses in a way ensures that you are never truly on holiday, though it isn’t without its benefits, one of which is that I can, to a certain extent, decide my own schedule. That I did in July when my family and I went to a Ryokan in Saga for a couple of relaxing days. My daughter (pictured) especially enjoyed being on holiday, bathing in hot springs and sporting a cute Yukata.

自ら事業を経営するということは、見方によれば、もはや本当の意味での休みは取れないということになります。とはいえ悪い面ばかりではなく、良い面の1つに、ある程度自分の予定を自分で決められるというのがあります。ということで、7月に家族で佐賀の旅館に行き、2 、3日のんびり過ごしました。とりわけ私の娘(写真)は、温泉に入ったり、かわいい浴衣を着てみせたり、と、休日を楽しんでいました。

Summer, besides beach going, swimming and firework displays (none of which I have experienced this summer unfortunately, through a combination of work and ghastly weather) is also a perfect time for reading. A picture of my summer reading is on the right. I’m a very frequent Amazon customer and I was very interested to read how the company is run and how it survived the dot com bubble burst. It was a very enlightening book on a company which offers great service to its customers but has grown to be too powerful for its own good (and possibly ours). Currently I’m reading Margaret Thatcher’s biography, an insightful read on her rather unlikely rise to power and her turbulent years in office.



photo photo (1)

A big thanks to all the wonderful Kensington staff and teachers for covering my summer holiday. My crafty plan to escape the Obon rush and enjoy the delights of Fukuoka city in the summer was foiled by mother nature who decided to give me a week of uninterrupted rain.(Much to Tim sensei’s amusement I’m sure.)


Luckily there were a few indoor kids events こびとピクニック and the 絵本museum so I had a chance to spend some time with my kids which was nice.


Hope there is better weather from now on.


Please remember that we are closed this weekend for Obon and we start back from the 23rd.


Have a good summer break.


