月別アーカイブ: 2023年6月

「have a spring in your step」ってどういう意味?バネがある?!- 元気な足取り・元気いっぱい

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「have a spring in your step」ってどういう意味?バネがある?!- 元気な足取り・元気いっぱい

「have a spring in your step」という表現は、元気な足取りで (元気いっぱいで幸せな気持ちで) 歩く・動くという意味のイディオムです。
誰かが「have a spring in your step」ということは、その人が気分が良く、元気に満ち溢れていて、新しい一日を迎える準備ができていることを意味します。

このフレーズは、文字通り「spring (ばね)」が、軽快で跳ねるような動きを作り出すという考え方から来ています。
「have a spring in your step」とは、ただ歩くことだけではなく、ポジティブで幸せを感じていることも意味しています。
何かを達成したり、良いニュースを聞いたり、または単に満足感と喜びを感じてると「have a spring in your step」という状態になることがあります。

I really admire Lisa, she always has a spring in her step, no matter what challenges she faces.

He received a great score in Eiken, and you could see he had a spring in his step all week.

Have you seen Jaimie today? He’s got a real spring in his step, I wonder what’s got him so excited!

Ever since Tomoko started learning English in Kensington she has had a spring in her step. It must be an amazing English school!

「have a spring in your step」とは、ただ歩くことだけではなく、人生への前向きな態度を表すものです。
それは物理的な「spring (ばね)」の考えから始まり、今では一般的に誰かのエネルギッシュで熱心な動きを表すために使われています。







The phrase “have a spring in your step” is an idiom that means walking or moving with energy and happiness. When someone has a spring in their step, it means they are feeling good and full of energy, ready to take on the day.

The phrase comes from the idea that a literal spring can make movements bouncy and light. It’s like when you’re in a great mood, and it shows in the way you walk and move around.
Having a spring in your step is not just about walking—it’s also about feeling positive and happy inside. It shows that you have a lot of energy and a positive attitude. It can come from accomplishing something, hearing good news, or simply feeling content and joyful.


⚫︎ I really admire Lisa, she always has a spring in her step, no matter what challenges she faces.
⚫︎ He received a great score in Eiken, and you could see he had a spring in his step all week.
⚫︎ Have you seen Jaimie today? He’s got a real spring in his step, I wonder what’s got him so excited!
⚫︎ Ever since Tomoko started learning English in Kensington she has had a spring in her step. It must be an amazing English school!

Having a spring in your step is not just about walking—it represents a positive attitude towards life. It originated from the idea of physical springs, and now it is commonly used to describe someone’s energetic and enthusiastic way of moving. So, next time you feel upbeat and full of energy, let your steps reflect your inner joy and spread positivity to those around you!

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「炉端焼き」を英語で説明 & ジェイミー先生オススメの炉端焼き【日本語訳つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「炉端焼き」を英語で説明 & ジェイミー先生オススメの炉端焼き【日本語訳つき】

Hello there everyone.

We are once again on the topic of Japanese food and today we are looking at the style of cooking knowns as “Robatayki” which translates as “robata” fireside and “yaki” grilling. Like a few other Japanese cooking methods it consists of skewered meat, vegetables, and seafood and as you can guess by the name it is grilled, usually over charcoal.

I have a fair bit of experience with “robata yaki” thus far and every time I have it’s been absolutely amazing. Compared to the other types of “yaki” namely “yakitori” and “kushiyaki” it can be slightly pricey but if you find the right place it will be both reasonable and delicious.

If anyone is looking for a good spot to try this in Fukuoka City, I’d recommend this place in Imaizumi. 百式

I went there for my last anniversary on the advice of a friend and it didn’t disappoint! They have some of the staples on the menu of course but this place changes up depending on the season. If you can get the straw baked bonito. It’s not to be missed!














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「Home is where the heart is」ってどういう意味?例文付きで解説

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Home is where the heart is」ってどういう意味?例文付きで解説

「Home is where the heart is」というイディオムを聞いたことがありますか?
この記事では、「Home is where the heart is」について解説していきます。


「Home is where the heart is」の意味

「Home is where the heart is」とは、真の家は必ずしも物理的な場所や建物ではなく、あなたが最も快適で、愛情を感じ、安心感を覚える場所や環境を指すということです。



「Home is where the heart is」の成り立ち



「Home is where the heart is」を使った例文

I was born and grew up in Kampala Uganda, but if home is where the heart is, then my home is right here in Fukuoka. I feel loved and comfortable here.
(私はウガンダのカンパラで生まれ育ちましたが、もし「Home is where the heart is (心があるところが家)」だとすれば、私の家はここ福岡にあります。ここで愛情と快適さを感じています。)

I’ve been offered a job in another city, but I haven’t made up my mind.
Why? Isn’t it a great opportunity?
It is, but I really love this place. As they say, “Home is where the heart is.” My friends, the community, and the beautiful nature… I don’t want to leave this place.
(そうです。でも、本当にこの場所が好きなんです。「Home is where the heart is (心があるところが家)」だとよく言われるように、友達やコミュニティ、美しい自然… 私はここを離れたくありません。)

I can’t wait to go back to my hometown for the holidays.
Why? What’s so special about it?
Well, you know what they say, “Home is where the heart is.” It’s where my family and childhood memories are, so it’s the best place to spend the holidays.
(まあ、よく言うでしょう、「Home is where the heart is (心があるところが家)」です。私の家族と子供時代の思い出がある場所なので、休日を過ごすには最高の場所です。)










“Home is where the heart is”

Have you heard or read this idiom somewhere and didn’t know what it meant and how to use it? Or this may be your first time encountering it? Here is some help…


“Home is where the heart is” means that your true home is not necessarily a physical location or a building, but a place or environment  where you feel  most comfortable,loved and at peace. In other words, your emotional connections and happiness are tied to the people and memories associated with a specific place, rather than the place itself.

This idiom can also mean that your hometown or your physical home is always the best place for you, no matter where you go. Especially if that’s where you have the best memories of your life and feel most comfortable.


This phrase was first used by a Roman philosopher named Pliny the Elder in the 1st century. However, it started to be commonly used in the 1870s.

Usage Examples

Example 1

I was born and grew up in Kampala Uganda, but if home is where the heart is, then my home is right here in Fukuoka. I feel loved and comfortable here.

Example 2

Yumi: I’ve been offered a job in another city, but I haven’t made up my mind.

Fred: Why? Isn’t it a great opportunity?

Yumi: It is, but I really love this place. As they say, “Home is where the heart is.” My friends, the community, and the beautiful nature… I don’t want to leave this place.

Example 3

Daisuke: I can’t wait to go back to my hometown for the holidays.

Bob: Why? What’s so special about it?

Daisuke: Well, you know what they say, “Home is where the heart is.” It’s where my family and childhood memories are, so it’s the best place to spend the holidays. 

To wrap up, a place or environment where you feel the most comfortable emotionally and physically and have great memories is where your heart is. It can be your hometown, house or some other place.

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「smell a rat」ってどういう意味?ネズミを嗅ぐ?! – うさんくさいと思う

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「smell a rat」ってどういう意味?ネズミを嗅ぐ?! - うさんくさいと思う

映画やメディアでたまに耳にするイディオムに「smell a rat」があります。
このブログでは、「smell a rat」の意味と使い方について説明します。

rat (ネズミ) は怪しいものを意味する

「smell a rat」という表現の意味を定義すると、何か怪しい活動があったかもしれない、もしくはあると疑うことを指します。
ここでの「rat (ネズミ)」は、ある人物やその行動を指しています。
つまり、あなたが現在いる状況で何かがおかしいか、何かが違うと信じているとき、あなたは「smell a rat (何か怪しいと感じる、うさんくさいと思う)」というわけです。


「smell a rat」を使った例文


Something’s wrong. I smell a rat.

I smell a rat, as I think something has changed here.

Do you smell a rat? Because there’s something not quite right.



なぜ「rat (ネズミ)」なのでしょうか?









An idiom that you may hear from time to time in film and media is “smell a rat”. It’s not a commonly used idiom in general speech, but it’s a useful one to know and has an amusing meaning behind it. This post will explain what it means and how it’s used.

A Rat is a Suspicious Thing

If we’re to define the meaning of “smell a rat”, it would mean to assume that there is or was some suspicious activity – and the rat is referring to a person and their actions.

In other words, you believe something is wrong or different in the situation you’re in, so you “smell a rat”.

Sounds Suspicious – How do we use it?

When it comes to actually using the phrase, it follows the basic structure of any English sentence, and can be used in several contexts. Here are some basic examples:

“Something’s wrong. I smell a rat.”

“I smell a rat, as I think something has changed here.”

“Do you smell a rat? Because there’s something not quite right.”

In all honesty, it’s an amusing but somewhat limited idiom. It can only really be used within the situation that something is wrong, and it’s not commonly used among native speakers, at least nowadays or in Australia.

But why do you smell rats?

We don’t, but generally, rats do not smell good and are usually seen as “filthy” creatures that carry diseases. Not just this, but rats are also very sneaky, discreet creatures, so them being filthy and sneaky tends to fit the idea of something suspicious or bad happening.

The earliest known use of the term originated sometime in the 16th century, but it was under a different spelling using “ratte” or “ratt”. Either way, hopefully this blog gives you an idea on how to use it, albeit not so common!

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